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I walked into the meeting and quickly fixed my hair.

"Sorry I'm late guys,  I was doing stuff." I said innocently.

The door slammed open behind me and I saw Wolffe walk in with his hair a mess and out of breath.

"SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!" He yelled as he gasped for air.

Master Plo let out a sigh and sent me a look. I shrugged my shoulders and he shook his head.

"(Y/n), what did I say about pushing Wolffe down the stairs?" He asked with a frown.

"Don't let you catch me doing it?"

"Don't do it again." He said sternly.

"Okay, Okay. I won't." I said sweetly.

One week later

I walked into the meeting and sent Plo a smile as I put my hair up.

"Sorry I'm late I was-"

"STOP PUSHING EM DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!" Wolffe yelled as he slammed open the door.

Plo sent me a look and I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's to much fun." I said softly.

Three weeks later

I straightened my shirt and fixed my hair. I walked into the meeting and sent my master a smile.

"Sorry I'm so late, I was doing... stuff." I said softly.

Wolffe walking into the room with his hair messed up and a smirk on his face and I bite my lip.

"I'm stuff." He said playfully.

"Pay up." My master said as he looked at Sinker.

"Damn it! I had one more week!" Sinker yelled as he threw the money at Plo.

I covered my face and let out a groan. Soon the meeting had ended and I followed Wolffe out.

"I hate you." I said as I glared at him.

"Punishment for pushing me down those stairs... again." He said with a frown.

"Why would you tell them we were... you know!"

"Shouldn't push me down the stairs."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He said as he sent me a smirk.

"Fuck you." I said as I walked away.

One week later

Wolffe let out a sigh as he walked into the meeting. He saw Plo talking to Sinker and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sorry I'm late. I.. forgot to set my alarm." He said softly.

"It's alright." Plo said softly.

Wolffe nodded his head and got to work. After he was finished he left the bridge leaving Plo and Sinker alone.

"Think he will ever recover?" Sinker asked softly.

"I don't know. Losing someone you love... it's something that some never get over." Plo said softly.


"Let me out of here you piece of shit!" I yelled as I tried to break the chains.

"How long has she been screaming?" A droid asked.

"Hour and a half. She will shut up eventually." Another one said. 

"No I won't you piece of shut! Just you wait until my Wolfpack learns I'm alive! They will destroy you!" I yelled.

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