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I let out a laugh as another one of the clones came up and tried to flirt with me, for the seventh time this night. The clones are lookers don't get me wrong, but non of them have the type of personality I like. Most of them are cocky and arrogant, and just want piece of meat. There is only one clone, well two who aren't like that. One of them is my best friend and the other is my idiot.

I had met said idiot when he had first arrived on Coruscant.

"Alright Ladies! We have a new batch of clones coming in today and I want them to feel welcomed!" My teacher and friend yelled.

"Doctor what is the situation?" I asked softly.

"Same old same. Blaster wounds, lost limbs, anything you can name. (Y/n) I want you to help clean wounds and dress them." She said sternly.

"Yes ma'am." I said with a nod of my head.

I quickly got to work on cleaning my station and getting everything in place.

"Got your first two patients! Try not to cut off their arms!" (B/f) said with a laugh.

I saw one of their faces go red while the other looked like he was going to faint.

"She is joking. One of you please take a seat on the table." I said as I looked at the files she had handed me.

One of them set down and I saw he had a five on the side of his head.

"What's the five for?" I asked as I looked at the gash on his shoulder.

"My name."

"I see, nice. You have T do it?"

"Who else?"

"He does a good job. I had him give me one... no it was two." I said as I remembered the other one.

"Maybe you'll let me see them." He said with a wink.

"Fives." The other one said as he let out a groan.

"Yea Fives, good luck with that." I said as I stood up.

"You're done? You haven't even-"

He stopped when he saw that his shoulder was completely patched up.

"I didn't even feel it." He said softly.

"A good doctor can do that. Now off the bed and onto.. um what's your name?"

"What's my name?" He asked with a blush.

"Yes Echo that's what she asked." Fives said with a laugh.

Echo cleared his throat and saluted me.

"Arc Trooper CT-1409 at your service."

"Alright Echo, well I'm Dr. (Y/n) (L/n)." I said with a smile.

"(Y/n) (L/n)... that's a pretty name." He said softly.

I checked him over and then sent both of them on their ways. I shook my head and smiled as I thought of Echo.

"Someone has a crush." A voice said happily.

"(B/f)! Don't sneak up on me!" I yelped out.

"You totally like Echo." She said as she leaned against the door.

"I just met him."

"You like him." She said as she helped me clean.

"I do not." I said as my face started to heat up.

"Sure you don't, bet if he asked you out you would say yes."

"I would not-"

"Um sorry Doctor... I was wondering.. would you like to go to 79's this afternoon with me?" Echo asked poking his head through the door.

"I'd love to." I said with a smile.

He nodded his head and quickly left, leaving me with a smug looking (B/f).

"Okay. I like him." I said as I let out a sigh.

We never went official, only telling everyone we were friends, but deep inside of me I knew we were more.

"So I heard you were leaving for the Citadel." I said as I checked Echo over.

"Both me and Fives." He said softly.

"Echo... I need to tell you something."

"Tell me after, Okay... that way I know you're not just saying it because you think I'm gonna die." He said as he took my hand and squeezed it.

"79's?" I asked softly.

"I'll be there, cyar'ika." He said softly.

I nodded my head and heard Fives call Echo's name. He stood up and kissed the side of my head.


"79's." I said with a small smile.

I watched him leave and wrapped my arms around my chest. I watched him leave and let out a sigh.

"I love you Echo." I whispered under my breath.

I heard someone walk up to me and turned to see (B/f).

"Still waiting?" She asked softly.

I nodded my head and she let out a sigh.

"It's been a year."

"I know, but he.. he's always kept his word." I said as I looked at the drink.

"I'm sorry." She said as she turned and walked away.

I knew he wasn't coming back, and I knew it was stupid to wait for him.

"This seat taken?" A voice asked.

"No, go ahead." I said not looking at him.

"Sorry I'm late."

My eyes went wide and I turned and met a pair of brown eyes. My heart broke as I saw that his hair was gone and he looked half dead.

"Echo?" I asked softly.

I moved my hand to his face and gently cuffed his face.

"Cyar'ika." He said softly.

I felt tears stream down my face and I roughly pulled him into a hug. He gently hugged me back.

"I always keep my promises." He whispered against my shoulder.

I pulled away and smiled up at him.

"I love you." I said as I met his eyes.

"I love you too." He said as he leaned down and gently kissed me.

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