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I had been with Din for over ten years now and I was beginning to think he would never ask me to marry him. I know that marriage is different for Mandalorians and that when they marry they share a soul and I wanted that. I want to be apart of Din, to have something that no one else will ever have.

I know I have his heart, but I feel that he keeps pushing me away.

"We will be landing shortly." He said as I bounced the child on my knee.

"Finally me and him are getting bored on this ship." I said with a small smile.

"I have to make a stop somewhere so I want you and him to stay close to the ship." He said sternly.

"Mando when have I ever went away from the ship?"

He sent me a look and I let out a light laugh. We soon landed and I watched him walk away. He disappeared and I got to work on cleaning around the ship and taking care of the child, who we had yet to name.

After awhile I had finished cleaning and decided to take a shower. When I came out the child was missing.

"Kid!" I yelled as I looked for him.

I felt my heart stop when I couldn't find him. I quickly ran around looking for him on the ship. I soon got off and looked around.

"Kid! Where are you!" I yelled as I felt fear take over.

I heard a noise and turned to see the child playing in sand. I let out a sigh of relief and fell to the ground and picked him up.

"You can't do that! You scared me to death!"

He wrapped his little arms around my neck and I held him tightly. It was no lie that I had grown to see the child as mine and I cared deeply for him.

It wasn't long before Din came back and I set on our bed and watched the child.

"Sorry it took me forever." He said softly.

I continued to stare at the child and he walked up to me and took my hands. I jumped a little and he forced me to look at him.

"What happen?" He asked sternly.

"I went to take a shower.. only gone for about five minutes." I said softly.

"What happen?"

"I couldn't find him.. I was so scared." I said as tears streamed down my face.

He let out a sigh and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay." He said softly.

"I was so scared."

He pulled away and gently moved my hair away from my face.

"Kiss me." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

I heard the bus of his helmet being removed and I waited for him to press his lips against mine. I heard him say something and frowned.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I kept my eyes shut.

"You are my heart and soul." He said softly.

I smiled softly as I felt him press his lips against mine in a gentle kiss. I felt something slip on my finger and pulled away. I turned my body and opened my eyes to look at my finger. I froze as I saw a ring on my finger.

"I asked the forge master to make it... it's from the blade you tried to kill me with." He exclaimed.

"Is this-"

"Yes... if you want it to be.... Mandalorians don't have big celebrations for weddings. We make a ring for our wives or husbands to wear and it marks us as one." He explained.

"So this marks me as your wife?" I asked as I looked at it.

"Yes... as long as you wear it... we are one." He said softly.

I closed my eyes and turned and pressed my lips against his. He smiled against my lips and pulled me closer. He soon pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Open your eyes." He whispered.


"We are one... by our law... you can look at me." He said softly.

I slowly opened my eyes and moved my hand to his face. I could see worry cross his face and I smiled softly as I leaned forward and pecked his lips.

"You're beautiful." I said softly.

"I thought I was suppose to be the one to say that." He said with a chuckle.

"To bad." I said with a laugh.

He shook his head and pressed his lips against mine. I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

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