A discovery

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(AN//: this story will have lgbt in it. No, not between the brothers and not between the adults and kids. I've seen some homophobic comments later and I will not tolerate them any longer)

Raph threw me to the floor hard. I let out a groan and slowly sit up while hearing Leo and Donnie laugh at my loss in sparring raph... again. I hated losing, but there was nothing I could do about it, my brothers were stronger than me.

"Okay, that's enough, you and mikey did excellent today, you all may leave." Sensei said getting up and walking inside his room in the dojo. Leo and Donnie exit the room chatting away about krang and the foot, leaving me and raph alone. "Here, let me help you up little brother." Raph smiled sincerely and held out his hand.

I smiled big and went for his hand. Right when I grabbed it and started to stand up, raph yanked away making me fall right back on my butt with a small yelp.

Raph only laughed at me. "My bad Mikey, here, let me help you us for really this time." Raph held out his hand again.

I growled and slapped his hand away. "Go away raph!" I stood and and glared at him.

"Whaaatt, are you mad you keep losing?" Raph mocked me.

Third person's POV

Something in mikey snapped for a second. "I CAN EASILY BEAT YOU!" Mikey shouted shoving raph.

Raph laughed and got in shorter turtle's face. "Then why haven't you did that yet Michelangelo?"

Instant fear and regret shot through mikey like electricity. Mikey quickly stepped back, only boosting Ralph's massive ego.

"That's what I though, you'll always be weaker than us." With that, raph turned away and walked out the dojo.

Mikey's eyes were wide. 'Weak?' Mikey thought looking at his hands. He new he wasn't at their level but he never thought of himself as weak. Mikey sighed and started to walked out the dojo. Maybe it would be good to get his mind off this. An idea went to his head. 'Oh, I can go skateboarding through the sewers!' Mikey bolted to his room and grabbed his skateboard.

"I'll be back before patrol!" Mikey yelled before hopping over the old turnstiles, not even waiting for his brother's reply.




As Mikey skated, his head started to clear of all the nasty things raph said to him, even all the other stuff Leo and Donnie said to him before training. A small smile went to Mikey's and he started to do tricks on his board. While he did that he could hear the busy world above him. Sometimes Mikey would dream of how it was to be human like everyone else.

But he knew that was an impossible dream.

Mikey stopped thinking when he heard a noise up head. He quickly got off his skateboard and held it in his hands. 'What was that?' Mickey wondered as he made his way to where the sound came from. Soon enough he stumbled into a part of the sewers he hasn't seen before.

It all looked the same at the rest... except the fact there was a nest sitting right in front of him.

"Woooooaaaahhhhh." Mikey slowly made my way to the nest and touched it. 'Yep, it's a nest, but who's?' Mickey wondered. "I wonder if it has eggs!"

Mikey quickly climbed up and looked inside. He eyes sparkled when he saw 30 to 40 huge eggs layed inside the nest. "This is so cool, I have to go get my bros-" His amazement quickly vanished when he heard a loud growl.

Fear filled Mikey as he slowly turned around.

Behind him was a huge... mutant alligator. It was even bigger then leatherhead.

"...Oh sh*t."

An//: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story, I'll try my best to update fast as possible. See ya!

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