Its to early

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I groaned as I heard the alarm clock start blaring I kissed a girl. A great song to wake up to by the way all because I needed to go to inter high that I knew we'd win. 

Yeah I'm cocky suck it. I rolled over out of bed and start putting on some clothes I literally wore pajama shorts and a black tank top I shoved my shoes and the team jacket and pants in my bag that had snacks. The medical supplies was already set on the kitchen table. I smiled slightly doing my personal hygiene I walked back to the room and grabbed a pillow. I then walked to the kitchen and got some breakfast. 

I glanced at the clock 5:45 am good I'd make it to school on time I made sure to grab everything before I left then I started making my way to school. I put in my earbuds and started blaring music in order to wake up my sorry ass just a little bit. 

I walked into the school and looked around I made my way to wher we were told to go two days prior.

Only grandpa was there at the moment. He looked at me and scowled. "Where's the team outfit? Why do you have a pillow!" 

I laughed "it's in my bag and the pillow is for me to sleep." 

Grandpa sighed "problem child I need you to check off the name list as people arrive." 

I nodded and walked onto the bus to place everything down. I decided to sit in the center so I could make sure everything would be good. I then opened my bag and grabbed a can of monster. I held my clipboard to my chest and stood in front of the bus with a sigh.

It didn't take long for people to start arriving the first person to arrive was ushijima of course. 

He greeted me with a nod "good morning." He said.

I shivered it's to early to be hearing that deep voice. 

"Good morning." I said taking a sip of my drink. Ushijima tilted his head.

"Those are bad for you." He said his eyes narrowed slightly. 

I grumbled "I'm not a monster like you." 

Ushijima chuckled at  that then got in the bus. 

Not long after semi, tendo, and ohira showed up they greeted me and walked onto the bus but tendo walked back out  and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Yes." I asked stifling a yawn. 

I heard him chuckle feeling the vibration throughout my back. "Semi beat me to sitting beside you so you won't be able to give me affection." 

I laughed "who said I couldn't sleep on semi?" 

"Yeah who said he couldn't." I heard semi say from above us he was leaning out the window with a smile.

I laughed as tendo grumbled flipping the bird towards semi. He responded with sticking his tongue out. 

Eventually tendo went back on the bus and everyone arrived before six. 

We were set to leave at 6:10 grandpa wanted us ten minutes early to give us a pep talk. He was planning on ignoring us on the bus preferring to look over notes and plans. 

Grandpa walked onto the bus and all he said was "you do bad your walking home." 

My jaw dropped and everyone on the bus said yes sir. This probably wasn't going to be the first time he was going to say this you never know with grandpa. 

Soon the bus started rolling we had a good two hour drive so I made the best out of it. I set my pillow against semi in order not to hurt him with my elbow or something and I leaned on him. He glanced over with a smile. He grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on it which very strangely made me very relaxed. It didn't take me long to drift off to sleep. Before I knew it we were finally at the competition. 

I stood up and grabbed my bag pulling out the team uniform I pulled over the joggers which surprisingly fitted. The jacket not so much that was loose so loose it slipped off my shoulder if it wasn't zipped up. 

Semi chuckled and fixed it. I smiled and walked to the back of the bus starting to grab all the bags I struggled a little bit until Ohira grabbed some of the bags from me. I smiled up at him "thank you Ohira." 

He smiled gently "no problem." I sighed such a gentle giant a lot of people got the wrong idea when they saw him because he looked intimidating just like Ushijima. I was intimidated at first but I've come to know everyone on the team their all great people. 

I walked side by side with Ohira until we got to our assigned area we set our stuff down and they set out about stretching and getting ready I sighed the beginning teams are going to be destroyed really did make me pity them. But they may be weaker but they try so I can't really pity them I should admire them if I was a volleyball player I'd be concerned for my arms being ripped off. 

I walked with the team to the first match and of course took notes on the team. The day went by like this of course we won every match. 

Soon we are on our way home when we arrived home grandpa gave us a rundown we had a meeting to watch the tv and review. We finally finished the meeting and everyone headed home now we have the games tomorrow. 

I headed home and told mom all about it she seemed to really enjoy so I decided "you want to come watch us."

She looked surprised I asked she smiled "of course!" 

I smiled brightly "great I'll text you the schedule and address." 

She nodded smiling. "Now go to bed you have to get up early again." 

I nodded "night mom love you." 

"Love you to."

I showered and collapsed into my bed and once again I had a thought surprisingly about Oikawa again.  It was more of a declaration of war. 

"See you soon Oikawa" 

Hello mortals. 

Goodbye mortals. 

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