camp comes to an end

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After what felt like eternity because of the sheer amount of people and commotion the camp was finally coming to an end with the last day coming and the barbecue going outside

The players were enjoying barbecue at the moment, and I was still wishing I had a reply from everyone back home I miss them extremely and wished they would text back or call or acknowledge I was here.

I walked outside to get food and the players greeted me as I passed by them. I smiled at everyone and when I got my food I sat down on the gym steps and ate quietly.

I miss Tendo was what I kept thinking. I want my team back. I wish they were here.

I stopper eating and stared at my plate I decided since tomorrow was an off day for the visitors at the camp all the teams were going out and doing stuff like sight seeing and me well who knows.

I had invites to go shopping with aoba johsai, date tech invited me to a Cafe, and all the other teams had asked me to go and do other things as well. I decided I'd go on my own though I wasn't in the mood to hang out. I just wanted my team to text me back.

I sighed finishing my food I decided to find someone to talk to it was never good for me to be unhappy. I'm sure my team will text back eventually they won't hate me forever....right?

I looked around and locked eyes with terushima from across the lawn. I smiled and waved him over and he gladly accepted the invitation. He appeared next to me and sat down.

"Hey Terushima!" I said happily

Terushima smiled back "Hey Riku! What's going on?"

I laughed "nothing much I'm just bored wanted to see what you were up to."

Terushima nodded in understanding "I'm just chilling with my team tomorrow were all probably going to a gaming center or possibly a skate park. Something wild!"

I laughed that sounded like something his team would do something wild. I then had an idea.

I jumped up "thank you terushima!!!" I sprinted off in the direction of the coaches.

Terushima was left confused and just smiled "cute."

I sprinted to the coaches and went to aoba johsais coach "I have to go!" I yelled

He looked startled along with the other coaches.

"What?" They asked.

I pointed to the dorms "I have to go set things right with my team please let me leave right now."

The coach stared and looked down "alright go get your team back."

I smiled "Arigato!!!" Bowing deeply I turned and sprinted off. Some team players yelled after me but I was sprinting.

I ran into my room threw everything in my bag and sprinted off.

A few players chased after me but weren't fast enough.

As I was running I thought the busses would be to slow as a matter of fact they'd already left. I needed a way to get back and quick. I looked around and saw a familiar building.

I ran up to the 3rd floor and banged on a familiar door. Out popped a females head she looked curious. Then she saw me and lit up standing there was one of my mothers friends. She had babysitter me often when mom would go out on dates with dad before he went abroad.

"Let me borrow one of your bikes real quick." Was all she heard from me.

She looked me up and down and sighed "You'd only say that in an emergency."

I nodded and she threw me the keys to her garage.

I sprinted down the stairs opened the key panel and grabbed a set of keys. I ran to the shel and got a helmet and threw on a jacket.

When I say bike I meant one of her motorcycles. She was a biker and a popular one at that had at least 20 bikes she either made or ordered from abroad she taught me how to ride when I was 10.

She doesn't care about the law so it doesn't matter.

I clicked the keys and found the bike it was a nice one and I didn't care as long if it got me to where I needed to be. I got on the bike and turned the bike on. I put my bag in the back compartment and plugged in everything to the helmet. I heard the motor purr and new I was good to go.

The cop scanner and GPS were all set to.

The cop scanner let me know locations of cops so i didn't get pulled over for speeding and the GPS showed me back routes and short cuts.

Like I said my mother's friend didn't care about the law she avoided it.

I sped off I was heading straight for the gym if I got there on time they should just be leaving practice.

I felt tears trailing down my face I don't care if they hate me the rest of their lives just please acknowledge I'm here.

As I sped through traffic I went faster and faster and in all honesty it's a miracle I didn't crash and die. With my luck I'm sure I would've. As I watched the clock tick down I felt my anxiety kick in.

The time I arrived at the gym the players were all cleaning inside they all looked glum but for the most part unbothered. I stopped the bike and hopped off throwing my helmet off I ran inside slamming open the doors.

Everyone in the gym looked over surprised. Then they stared with somewhat happy and angered faces there was mixed emotions.

I felt the tears falling down my face as I looked down.

"Please don't hate me." Was all I could force out as the heaviness of my teams emotions weighed on me.

"You came back!!!" Was what Tendo and half the team yelled.

They all sprinted up and Tendo was the first to tackle me and soon the rest followed besides semi, ushijima, and goshiki who was still shocked.

I sobbed as my team grasped me.

"I thought you'd never come back.... why did you leave?!" Tendo yelled as everyone climbed off.

I sniffed tears still falling down my face "my friend needed me and I decided to go help him and everyone else I didn't plan on staying away forever!"

I continued explaining everything and how awful I felt when they didn't answer me.

The team all looked guilty as he'll and they seemed to hate what they did.

"We ignored all of your texts and calls because we thought you weren't going to come back." Ushijima said as he lent me a hand to help me up and hug me.

"You idiots of course I was coming back I wouldn't trade you guys for the world!" I gripped ushijima tightly

"Don't you guys ever do that ever again." I hissed out furiously wiping my tears.

"Don't ever leave us ever again!" The team yelled

We all started laughing

Thank God they weren't leaving me behind.

Thank gosh.

So I know everyone may hate me because I have left I said I'd update more and 100% underestimated how taxing work was going to be so

Here's your updated chapter with some nice fluffy angst?

I dunno anyway thanks for reading and sticking with this book guys

Really thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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