day 2 of training

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My gosh day 2 and the events with aone were still reeling in my head. I mean the gentle giant called me pretty i had the pretty white flower stuck in a bag and i was planning on grabbing another white flower before I left camp to put it in Resin. I wanted to preserve the memory.

I woke up early as per usual to
a. Wake up the teams and
b. Help make breakfast.

I first made rounds to wake the teams and I started with aoba johsai.

"Everyone wake up." I said peacefully opening the curtains Oikawa popped up like he had been lying awake for at least an hour and everyone soon followed suite. I smiled and told them breakfast would probably be done by the time they were ready.

I then moved on to Karasuno I opened the door and was surprised to see the Libero Nishinoya already opening the window curtains telling the jesus guy aka Asahi to wake up. I snickered as Nishinoya spotted me he waved and I waved back telling him breakfast would be ready shortly.

I continued down the line of teams Nekoma was already up with Kuroo trying to wake Kenma up. Date techs captain was waking everyone up Aone saw me and nodded and that made me happy.

Fukurodani was already up and I could tell by Bokutos Hey Hey Hey that was so loud aakashi told him to shut up.

Then came Johzenji the party team. I walked in and none of them were up all I thought was Oh boy. I opened the curtains and I yelled "Get up gooses!" Terushimas head shot up and he looked around confused and I snickered he saw me and instantly smirked. "Hello there!" My eyebrows raised and he just stared slowly the rest of his team mates heads popped out of their futons. They all spotted me and smiled yelling their greetings. A few of them looked absolutely dead but automatically woke up when I mentioned breakfast.

I made my way to the cafeteria and sat down. I looked at my phone and still received no texts or calls back. I decided to go ahead and text everyone good morning I didn't expect a response and I didn't get one either.

I watched as the teams walked in one my one. Soon the cafeteria was lively and full of chatter I could tell they were all excited for the practice matches to come. The day proceeded with nothing eventful and of course I passed out waters and was the referee for a few practice games. The losers of the games had to run up hills and let me tell you it was so hot outside they looked ready to drop. Especially Karasuno they were losing often as if the team was putting the team back together brick by brick making it stronger as they went.

I was passing by the coaches when I heard them talking about a barbeque and I laughed the teams were definitely going to enjoy that.

Soon lunchtime rolled around and then came dinner and eventually it was night time once again. Still nothing very eventful happened. I went to the same hill as I did the night previously. I was surprised when I saw Aone once again. He gave me a nod and sat down a little further back then usual.

I tilted my head in confusion "whats wrong aone?" He looked away shyly "Could you dance again?" I stared surprised and then laughed a little "Of course!"

I then smiled down "would you like to dance with me?" He looked surprised and shook his head. I laughed a little, and then said "are you sure?" He looked to be thinking about it. While he was I grabbed his hand and tugged on it to bring him up. I couldnt tug him myself so he got up upon my tugging.

(While im writing this i am in a Mexican restaurant and the whole room is filled with smoke because of this dish thats almost on fire.... help lmao)

I held onto his hands and smiled "so this is what you do..." i proceeded to place one of he hands on my waist and grabbed his other, and he looked down with his head tilted in curiosity.

I placed mg hands on his shoulder it was a little reach but it wasnt bad. I then proceeded to explain the dance. A few steps he twirls me and a few more steps some moves and eventually a dipping of me. I had faith he wouldn't drop me.

Aone looked down and there was a slight smile we moved slowly so he could get the steps down but he caught on quickly. After about 20 minutes we were fully dancing. I was beaming and laughing as he twirled me. I spun around my feet touching the soft grass and feeling aones hand grip mine ever so gently as if he was afraid to break me.

The moon shone brightly and fireflies were present twinkling like stars in the sky. The tree at the hill swayed gently as if the earth was whispering its applause and enjoyment of our dance, and in it all I felt my heart swell with happinees and maybe a twinge of something else.

Aone and I locked eyes and he dipped me slowly I smiled up at him his steel eyes stared straight back. He slowly raised me back up and looked up at the stars. I looked up to,and to my surprise I felt a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed bright red as Aone pulled away and said "Its getting late thank you for dancing with me."

He looked away and I was a blushing mess. "Y-y-your welcome."

Aone smiled his small smile and waved "goodnight."

I watched as he left and I stood a long time with a blush. I had the slight thought. I wouldnt mind spending every day with Aone.


but uhhhhhh Aone.......pretty cute 😶.

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