[chapter:7] Sister

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I've no idea of the time, the day or year. For they have blended together. On this empty planet, where I've been left for death. I heard a large crash last night that would come from a wreckage of sorts. I decided to venture toward where the sound came from. I find the ship almost undamaged, though the pilot seems dead. I walk towards the ship closer and poke at them. The body doesn't wake and I assume them dead. The purple being is dressed in flowy trousers and top, their hair covered by a hood of sorts. I examine them and find a label, a name? Aylo Bi. I pick the body up and lay them on the ground next to the ship.

"I must thank you, you've given me an opportunity I cannot refuse. An escape home. So thank you Aylo for you will be remembered as the reason I return. The reason my people will celebrate my return. Your ship is now mine as I inherit in your unfortunate death. However I know people who will be thankful. My brothers will be happy as well as mother and father. You shall receive a proper funeral of sorts. I can't do much with the resources I have but I will try." I laid the body on the ground in a comfortable position, decorated the spot with flowers, carving their name in the tree above them. Now to get that hunk of metal moving, I've never really learned how to but how hard can it be? I've found old archives on this planet's ships and piloting them in hopes of learning how to escape. I find the ship is quite similar to those I've learned about. I turn it on quickly, picking it off the ground and into the atmosphere.

I land in a crowded city of sorts. The midgardians rush away in fear as I absentmindedly wander through the now empty space. I walk up to windows and peer inside, looking around curiously. Getting used to my new surroundings.

"What are you doing here?" A male voice yells from behind me. I turn to face a group of warriors. I scan them quickly before making eye contact with two men. One with golden blonde hair that cascaded behind him and another with stunning green eyes. I stay silent as I take in the shock. Unknowingly a tear or two slipped down my face as well as the men I know as my brothers. They are both shocked into silence, their jaws hanging open.

"She- she's alive," My eldest brother gasps out. He approaches slowly as if I could be scared away or too fragile to even touch without shattering into a million pieces. Loki approaches as well, trailing after Thor carefully.

"You're real, you're here, alive," Loki reached his hand out to mine. Grasping it with little force. He examines my appearance carefully. As does Thor. The team of warriors behind them have confusion stitched on their faces from the interaction, whispering to each other slightly at my brother's reactions.

"I have dreamed of the day we would reunite, brothers." They take me in their arms quickly, pulling me close to both their chests.

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