Chapter 7

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You yawned as you headed to your next shift.

You had barely gotten any sleep the night before due to school. Luckily you would be getting out next week.

You walked in and made your way to your night guard station. You had managed to sneak on your uniform before you left. It smelled a lot better after you had washed it.

You walked in and grabbed the coffee which you had requested.

You dipped it and waited for the telephone to ring, which you didn't wait long. The man had told you that you didn't need to answer, so you just sat back and waited.

It finally picked up as you dipped your coffee staying silent.

"Uh, hello! Hello? Uhh... Well, if you're hearing this, then you made it to day two. Uhh, congrats!

I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Umm... it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk; just to make sure everyone is in their proper place, ya know?

You checked. You noticed that Bonnie had moved to the center of the room...

Uh, interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. I've heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark, though, so hey, I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, right?

I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. Uhh, there are blind spots in your camera view, and those blind spots happen to be right outside your doors. So if you can't find something... or someone... on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uhh, you might have only a few seconds to react, uh... Not that you would be in any danger, of course, I'm not implying that.

Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time. The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know.

Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control. Uhh... talk to you soon!"

You checked foxy's curtain and saw him peaking at the camera through his curtains and sighed.

He wasn't a threat right...?

You yawned and drank more of your coffee.

You checked the camera again and nearly jumped out of your skin as Bonnie shot up out of the darkness seeming out of nowhere.

You screamed and slapped hard across his metallic face.

He tumbled backwards and glared. "Hey!"

You breathed heavily. "You-you can talk!"

"Of course I can you idiot!"

With that the darkness grew around you and you collapsed on the floor.

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