Chapter 21: Judy

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It's been the longest day of my short life. Finnick really hit us earlier with his confession. I try to be a rock for everyone, but right now I'm crumbling to pieces. Right now, I need a rock of my own.
Chills run down my spine. Cheese and crackers! I'm in heat. For a virgin, my carnal cravings are unholy.

" Are you wearing perfume?" Nick asks as we reach my house.
I was praying he didn't smell my hormones.

"No." I reply quickly.

I'm falling apart.

We walk into the house, and I shatter to pieces. Giant tears fall from my eyes.

"Hey, Carrots, what's the matter?" Nick asks worriedly.

"You were right, I really am just a dumb bunny. School shootings, rapists, pedophiles, mass murders, sex trafficking...I..." My voice breaks. "This world is shit. I was stupid to ever believe I could make it better. I'm not even who you think I am. I may seem like I'm always happy and strong, but I'm weak and scared." I fall to the ground, crying unapologetically.

Nick drops to his knees, chuckling deeply. " I was wrong, you're not a dumb bunny. You're dumb and blind."


" You arrested a serial rapist who raped four, male, eight year old lions. They were afraid to testify in court, but sat in that court room so they would feel safe. That's one less predator out on the street." Nick says scoldingly. "When that wolf pup got stuck in the tree, you jumped in and brought him down. And just last week you talked that antelope off the bridge. He was going to commit suicide. All those poor mammals mattered, they're getting better because of you."

He takes my paws in his and looks me in the eyes. "But the greatest thing you've done was give an ex con the chance at a better life."


We look into each other's eyes.

"Nick, there's something I've been been keeping from you. I'm in love with you."

"Oh." He says surprised.

"Have you ever considered the possibility of dating someone who's not the same species as you?"

"Absolutely." He replies.

"I need you, Nick."

He lowers his muzzle to mine. For this moment, the world isn't shit.

"Nick, I need you."

"You said that already." He chuckled.

I blush, "What you smell isn't perfume, it's my heat. I need you." I whisper.

His eyes twinkle with desire. "You know you love me."

"Yes, yes I do." I say grabbing him by his tie."

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