Chapter 18: Nick

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I can't see, the stupid bombs blinded me, but there is one thing I can see, most of the staff at the ZPD is hiding something.

Groping around in the blindness, I call out for Judy. "Carrots! Where are you?"

"Nick, I'm right here." She replies, placing a paw on my tail.

Her touch calmed me down, I'd been shaking all this time.

After our vision returns, the ZPD becomes uncomfortable to say the least. The coroner comes to collect Howldale's body. Many officers stand about, fidgeting nervously. I wonder if we searched through their personal lives, how many would be just another traitor. A search of Howldale's house turned up so much child porn and pedophilic paraphernalia that if he had lived, he'd be spending the rest of his life in prison.

I take note of all the other mammals displaying suspicious behavior. Only Clawhauser, Bogo, Judy, Jack, and myself seem to have clean paws. This whole damn precinct is dirty.

"Hopps! Wilde! My office now!" Bogo's voice bellowed throughout the building.

Judy and I took off in a dead run up the stairs to his office. We scurry through the door and push it shut. Bogo is pacing around the room, clearly ready to kill.

"Enough is enough!" He snorts, his nostrils flaring out. "Girls, small children, are missing. One of our own was murdered, but he turned out to be one of them!" He rubs his forehead in distress. "I've thought long and hard about this, and there's only way to win this, we have to break the law." He says, deadpan.

"Sir..." Judy went silent.

"Hopps, I went through your personal file, and I know you are the God mother of Mr. Big's granddaughter. I know Mr. Big is the biggest crime boss in Zootopia. Will you please ask him to help us?"

So, Bogo is on the same page as me? This is more dire than I thought.

Judy's ears droop. "Yes, sir." She murmurs. 

Silent, we shuffle out of the office.

 "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"We have to break the law, Nick, we'll be dirty cops." She sighs.

I let out a dark chuckle, "A dirty cop is someone who uses their power to take advantage of the innocent, like Howldale. We're going around all the legal obstacles to save the innocent." I explain, then chuckle mischievously. "And don't act like this is the first time you've broken the rules. You black mailed me into helping you with the night howler case."

She turns her head to the side in embarrassment. "Shut up." She chuckles.

We meet up with Jack, "What was that about?" He looks spooked.

"Bogo wants to go renegade to solve this case. We have to ask Mr. Big for his help."

"I guess we're all on our own from now on." He muttered.

"Exactly." I nod.

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