Chapter 12: Nick (Part 1)

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Brianna chatters away about her life as a paramedic. Not going to lie, I zoned out a long time ago. She's pretty enough, but I just don't feel any chemistry between us. I put on an uncomfortable suit and tie, drug myself to Foxy Cafe, Zootopia's fanciest restaurant, only to be bored out of my fur.

All I can think about is Judy. What's she up to? Better question is, what has she gotten into? She better not have gone sleuthing into this case by herself. I'm tempted to text her, but I shut my phone off because it's rude to be messing with your phone while on a date.

"Nick, are you listening to me?" Brianna giggles, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I shake my head. "I'm just not feeling too good night."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She says. "Should we retire early?" Her lavender eyes plead with me to keep the evening going.

"Thank you for understanding." I say, putting my paw in the air, I make a circular motion with my index claw, signaling for our waiter to bring the check.

After I pay the bill, I escort her back to her apartment. Her orange fur is illuminated in the moonlight.

"I had a lovely evening, we'll have to do it again sometime." She leans in and plants a quick kiss on my muzzle. I feel no spark, no butterflies. Nothing. What's wrong with me?

"Alright, have a good night." I say, turning and disappearing down the sidewalk.

Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I turn it on. Immediately it starts vibrating and beeping. I have five missed calls, three voice messages, and five texts. Geez, I'm super popular tonight.

I start with the voice messages. The first one was left at 8:01 p.m. by Judy.

Her voice is a horror stricken whisper, "Nick, I'm in trouble, Scott broke into my house. I need help." The message ends.

Her words send me running down the street. I'm not far from her house.

The next message plays, it was left by Chief Bogo at 8:20 p.m.

Bogo's voice is somber. "Wilde, I don't know where you are, or why you aren't answering your phone, but Hopps was attacked tonight. She's in the hospital, Savage is with her."

I round the block, Judy's house comes into sight, and it's taped off with yellow crime scene tap.

The final message plays, Jack left it at 8:50 p.m.

He's extremely angry. "Hey, idiot! Judy was attacked, I brought her to the hospital, Doctor's sewing her up right now. Don't worry, she's ok, I'll be taking care of her tonight, hope you enjoy your date." The message ends.

Horrified, I stand in front of her house, and read the messages.

Judy: Nick, Jack's taking me to the hospital.

Jack: Judy was attacked! Scott's still on the loose!

Judy: At hospital. I'm ok.

Jack: Dammit! Answer your messages!

Judy: I'm out of the hospital, I'm staying with Jack tonight. See you tomorrow, partner.

She's with Jack? At his apartment? I continue running, heading towards his apartment. I call his phone, it rings four times before he finally answers.

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