Prologue: Nick

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I wrap my arms around Judy and hoist her up so that we're looking into each others eyes. Words fail me. My body takes over as I bridge the gap between us and put my lips to hers. A shiver runs down my spine when she kisses back, moving her lips against mine.

How long have we both wanted this? I really am a dumb fox. She's more than my best friend, but it took another male nearly stealing her away from me to make me realize that. Jack Savage, when I get my paws on you, you're a dead fox, I think to myself.

Judy nibbles my bottom lip hungrily. Her body feels fragile in my arms. I plant kisses along her jaw line, down her neck and over to her shoulder. She gasps in pain. I had forgotten how fragile she is, and that she is covered in blood. Curious, I tug down the neck line of her uniform. Her shoulder is covered in fang bites. I'm afraid to see her other injuries.

I knew that damned artic fox wouldn't have her back for this mission. He only cares about himself. I'm the only one who is capable of being her partner. Nobody else will ever love her, or have her back the way I do.

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