Chapter 1: Judy

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Nick and I wander into the ZPD lobby where Clawhauser beckons us over. "Oh M Goodness! Did you two hear the big news?" He squeals.

Being the lovable smart mouth that he is, Nick says. "You beat your old doughnut eating record?"

"No." He answers unphased. "The precinct is getting a new officer, a fox. Looks like you'll have some competition around here, Nick."

"I wouldn't dream of going up against Officer Wilde." An angel-like voice says from behind Clawhausers' desk, before a white blur jumps over it and lands in front of me.

Sweet cheese and crackers! He's a beautiful artic white fox, with black markings on his face and the tips of his ears and tail.

"Officer Jackson Savage, and you are Judy Hopps, hero to all predators." He takes my paw and kisses the back of it. "Nice work taking down Belleweather, heroine of Zootopia. Wow, you are beautiful." He smiles, melting my heart.

"Ahem!" Nick clears his throat, a look of annoyance decorates his face.

"And hello to you Officer Wilde, it's an honor to meet Zootopia's first ever fox police officer." Jack extends his paw to Nick, who shakes it. He squeezes it hard enough that I notice Jack's face pucker in pain.

"No, the honor's all mine." He says coldly. There's an electric tension between them that makes my fur stand on end.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to go introduce myself to my other colleagues." He says softly. "It was nice meeting you Clawhauser, thank you for the doughnut." He turns to Nick and gives him a wry smile. "Nice meeting you too Wilde." Jack shifts his weight onto his paw pads as he turns to me. "It was my pleasure meeting you, Officer Hopps." He winks an icy blue eye at me.

Heat fills my cheeks and branches out to my ears, making them fall down over her chest. Nervous, I fidget with the tip of my left ear. Sweet cheese and crackers, he's one hot fox. I watch as he walks off towards the bull pen, his fluffy white tail sways side-to-side.

"Well, hallelujah, another fox cop." Nick says sarcastically, but his voice is laced with ice.

I don't understand. Why isn't he excited? There's a new fox, a potential new friend to go drinking with. I look into his shimmering green eyes.

"Do you not like Officer Savage?" I pry.

"Not really, Carrots. He gives me a bad vibe." He says walking towards the bull pen.

I follow him, silently reflecting on everything. Nick is my best friend, I've pacified myself into being content with that truth. But that isn't the reality. My reality is that I'm in love with him in an unforgiving world. Honestly though, if he wanted more than that, I wouldn't care what the world thought. I've come to terms with he fact that I'm not a normal bunny, and I probably never will be.

When we enter the room and I hop into our normal seat. Jack is in a seat at the desk next to ours. He winks at me again, sending shivers down my spine. Part of my reality is that I'm a bunny who is unexplainably attracted to foxes.

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