Chapter 17: Jack

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Nick disappeared with Judy, suspending me in anticipation. Fortunately, I'm not anxious for long. The ZPD's glass doors shatter into a million shards from the force of a large blue duffle bag being hurled through them.

Everyone screams and ducks for cover in fear that a bomb could be in the bag. Stupidly, I creep forward, break police protocol, and slowly unzip the bag. Travis Howldale, our precincts only artic wolf, lay dead inside. Clawed into his chest are the words, Pedo, Predator, and Traitor.

Flash bangs come hurling through the windows, blinding us all.

"Boss sends his regards, and a message! Back off, or we'll expose every last one of you dirty cops for the predator's that you are, and destroy the ZPD!" A guttural voice booms through a bull horn.

Tires squeal as the criminals speed away.

I'm blind.

I can't see.

I can't see...

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