To Worship A God: Part 13

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Warning: Violence, slight gore, deep shit! 

Pain seared through Levis side as he was kicked hard in the ribs, he made an unsettling sound and was sent flying across the training grounds. His arm hit the mat first most likely breaking his fall and preventing him from sustaining any serious injuries. He took a deep breathe trying to control his breathing and stop himself from feeling the searing pain. He grunted weakly as he tried to stand a voice echoing in his ear, 

'The enemy wont wait for you to regain your breathe.'

Levi squeaked barely rolling out of the way as a foot almost connected with his face. 

'Get up. If you want to survive you can't let the enemy keep you on the ground.'

The harsh yet emotionless tone say. Another kick and Levi yet again barely dodged it, he staggered to his feet taking deep breathes trying to ready himself, 

'I-I know...Annie...I-Im trying hard!'

Levi says as Annie went to attack again not giving him a moment to think. 

'Trying isnt good enough. You have to react faster.'

She says as she grabs Levi's shirt, her leg coming out to knock him on his ass. She pressed her foot to his neck and frowned, 

'I've just killed you again Levi.'

She says, Levi sighs softly, he wanted to cry but he knew he couldn't he was so frustrated with himself, he'd been practicing the moves and everything. Annie say the disappointment in his eyes and sighs gently, 

'Your getting better Levi but you have to think outside the box. Kenny is an evil tyrant who will not give you a chance to recover.' 

She says, 

'It may seem like I'm being harsh but I'm being realistic with you. The God of Death is a powerful man, if your mother had not stopped him years ago he would have wiped us out by now. He wont show you any mercy...'

Levi looks up at her and nods gently. She was right. Kenny was determined to kill him...He wasn't going to give him a second chance. 

'He will kill everyone you love Levi...Don't think your the only one whose lifes on the line.' 

Levi took a deep breathe and got up getting into a fighting stance. Kenny was not going to get near anyone he loved, he'd die before that happens. Annie looked at him, his whole aurora had just changed, this wasn't the same Levi she'd been training for weeks now, something was changing. 

'This time...Don't hold back.' 

After fighting Annie Levi had a short break before he headed to Zeke who was already showing of his swordsmanship. This was Levi first lesson, he'd been required to learn some basic fighting before he was even allowed to learn how to use his blade. Eren had insisted on being present as Zeke had a tendency to go rough and he'd once almost poked Eren's eye out. 

'Levi! Freight not my dear! I shall go easy on such a delicate little flower!' 

He says as he shows of his sword, it was covered in many jewels and it glowed as Zeke held it. As the God of War Zeke had lots of weapons however this sword was his favourite, for some reason he called it "The Beast" and always bragged about how it had cut the heads off hundreds of titans. Eren often joked he only bragged about having a big sword to compensate for having a small penis, Levi would always laugh but he'd never say it to Zeke, however he knew Eren would have no issue saying it. 

'Engard Levi!'

Zeke says, Levi gives him an unimpressed look and Zeke grumbles, 

'Your just like Eren...Alright then!'

To Worship A God (Ereri Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum