To Worship A God: Part 20.

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AN: Blood, gore, death. This is a very long chapter my guys so buckled up!

The land mourned the loss of its mother, the once bright flowers wilting reflecting the loss of its savior. The woman who had fed life back into the earth had sacrificed not just her life but also her husband in order to protect those inside Levi's temple. The thick veins that wrapped around the temple would keep the enemy out but as the earth died around them so would their barrier. Zeke remembered back when the first Queen had died, the years of suffering had poisoned their land, and the grass had once been a sickly brown reflecting the sorrow of the Kingdom. When Dina died the kingdom had fallen into grief and in his pitiful reign as King, he had allowed that grief to destroy their land. He had been nothing more than a young boy, filling in for his absent father who was slowly being driven mad with grief, the Kingdom had seemed so colorless until Carla had appeared. Zeke never knew where she had come from, perhaps she had been born from the land's grief, or perhaps she had always been here all be it from the shadows. Dina was his mother but Carla had raised him, she had been the savior of Paradise, she had brought life back to their Kingdom, and she had saved them from despair. She was loved by all and he was no exception to that love, she may not have been his mother by blood but she was his mother too. He bit back tears as both his parents gave their lives for their Kingdom, he would have been no exception, but for the fact, Levi had found him he would have gladly laid out on the battlefield and died. Right now, he was not a wounded soldier he was acting King, and although he wanted to break down and cry at the loss of his parents he had to be seen as the strength of their Kingdom. 

'I want every guard posted at an entrance! No Titan gets through those doors.'

He says his voice booming across the temple, this temple represented life, it represented fertility, whatever was destroyed would be rebuilt. The lives that were lost would be etched into memory. Those who sacrificed themselves would be honored. 

'Yes, your majesty.'

The guards said as they ushered the civilians deeper into the temple. Holding his father's sword in his hand, Zeke's mind fell to his younger brother, the rightful heir to the throne. Until his brother returned to take his place he would be the King they needed, he would protect this temple, with his life if he most. His parents, everyone's sacrifices would not be in vain. For he was a Jaeger and the Jaegers fought for one thing...Freedom. Across the battlefield Eren felt the pain in his heart, the sadness washed over him as he felt something disappear, he wasn't sure what it was but he knew someone he loved was gone...His mother...His father...He wasn't sure, the feeling was almost overwhelming but Eren forced himself to push the feelings of dread aside. Everything his mother had ever touched, everything she'd ever created he could see the shift in the land's vibrance, the land was mourning and he knew at that moment his mother at least had died. He fought back tears, he couldn't afford to break right now, his mother had fought valiantly and had given her life for the survival of Paradise. He watched as the nature around him mourned, a white butterfly appearing before him, he took it as a good omen, a sign his mother was watching over him, a sign she was still fighting. He gripped the reigns of his horse his mind, his body, his soul hurting as the white butterfly fluttered in the wind


 His heart ached as his mind cried out at the loss of his mother, he felt bad forcing down his grief but there would be time to mourn later. Right now he had to focus...His eyes wandered to his friend, his ally as they rode through the blood-stained land, his brother's army, the Garrison, their blood-soaked the soil beneath them. He had no doubt the fallen had taken down some of the enemies, though when a titan died nothing remained. Once they died they were wiped from existence, no blood, no bone, no skin, nothing remained of a titan. Their corpses would evaporate into steam and disappear into the air. Would his body do the same? If he died would anything remain? Would Levi, his family, and his friends have anything to bury or would he too evaporate into nothing? He watched the birds fly above him, freedom...Freedom...These titans, these creatures were taking his freedom, taking his kingdom's freedom! His body felt stronger as he turned, he no longer felt the pain of his bones snapping, and he was no longer afraid to turn. Levi had been the reason why he was so strong, Levi had given everything for him to be able to control his power. So what if nothing remained of his body, he would die protecting his people, protecting his lover, protecting the land he'd been raised on. A dark roar left his lips as he shifted, his hands tearing at the enemy titans with ease as he tore off their limps not carrying if it hurt his enemy. His friend was in danger, his friend had boldly ridden into battle with him, even though he too had someone waiting for him to return. 

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