To Worship A God: Part 18

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AN: Hey guys sorry for the delay. I've been working my way through the last chapters to try and bring To Worship a God to an end shortly. This story is reaching its conclusion in a few chapters and I want to thank everyone for their undying support. 

Despite all the support and love, it has come to my attention that a reader has been commenting on my story wherever I have made a mistake and is correcting it in the comments. I'm sure this reader meant no harm but I find it incredibly rude to do this. I will admit my grammar, nor my spelling is perfect and I would let it slide if this was only done once or twice but this was done over several chapters. Once I completely finish this story I may go back to previous chapters and ensure all grammar and spelling are correct. For the time being, however, I ask that readers be aware of their comments and too not spell check/grammar check my work in the comments. As I have said once or twice is fine, but doing this several times is not helpful.

As I have said, once TWAG is finished I will proofread and correct my mistakes but please do not highlight all my mistakes. 

Thank you all and please enjoy. 


WARNING: Blood, gore, death, death. 

Eren's hands pulled on his hair, it had gotten longer...How long had he been trapped in the prison...How long had he been here being tormented by that disgusting titan? He looked at the glass in front of him it was his only source of light to the outside world, he felt so drained, he was gasping for the fresh air. 


He whispers softly, 

'Help me...'

He whispers, everytime he'd see Levi look at his reflection a small spark of hope erupted in his chest. Seeing his wife looking at him without knowing was all the hope he needed. Of course, watching Levi suffer at the hands of that titan made him rage with anger, Levi was his! He banged his fists against the glass growling, 

'Bastard! I'll rip your fucking head off! You'll pay for what you did to my wife!'

He yells as he punches the glass until his hands would bleed, it didn't matter they would heal almost instantly, but no sooner had they healed he was bashing them against the glass in a desperate attempt to escape this nightmare. He just wanted to be in Levi's arms, he wanted to hold him close to him, he wanted to leave a peaceful life free of titans. Tears began to well in his eyes as he collapsed onto the cold floor beneath him, he was losing hope, he didn't want to give up but what choice did he have...This darkness was consuming him, stay strong Eren! His inner voice cried as he felt his heart race rapidly, 


He whispers as he took a deep breath, he wouldn't let that bastard win. He couldn't let him win. Anger was festering in him, did this titan really think he'd win by breaking him down? He could hear the titan in his head taunting him, 

Your wife is so tight...He's nothing but a fucking whore who'll take anyone's cock...He loves me Eren, not you...

Hearing his taunts was painful but Eren pushed them aside, he knew they weren't true, Levi loved him...Right? Eren shook his head refusing to let his inner thoughts provoke him and tempt him into turning against Levi. That's what the titan wanted, it wanted him to turn against the love of his life and Eren refused to let that happen. He wanted to turn into a titan and bash through the walls of this prison and wreak havoc on those who had threatened his Paradise. He let out an inhumane growl, he can control this power, he's certain he can, before Levi he'd felt his power consume him and turn him into a mindless titan every time he turned. However now, now he felt like part of himself had control...Or no...Was it him who held control? Or was it Levi? Perhaps Levi was the one who was in a way controlling his inner demon...Levi had always been the missing piece in his curse but why was Eren's ability to turn still there...Wasn't Levi meant to break his curse...

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