To Worship A God: 9.5

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Warning: Filler Chapter. Shit tones of Fluff. THERE MAY BE SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER SO STAY TUNED! 

25th December 0845

Music and the sound of drinks being poured filled the air as the whole kingdom celebrated Christmas. Carla, of course, looked stunning in a beautiful red and gold gown, Levi stared at her in awe, she was a natural beauty but Levi expected nothing less from the Goddess of Nature, Kuchel was also dressed in the finest materials known by man. The sapphire blue made her pale skin glow and her silver jewelry sparkled under the lights from the chandelier. Levi gulped, how was it possible that she was his mother...She was beautiful and he was...Plain...He paled in comparison to all these Gods and Goddesses...His heart almost stopped as the room went quiet everyone was staring at him. He gulped nervously as he stared back at all of them their expressions varied, some looked interested in him, others rolled their eyes unimpressed, some didn't even look at him. 

'Pfft...Thats the princes mate...He's nothing special.'

A voice sneered from the crowd, the words cutting Levis heart like a knife cutting butter. 

'He seems like a good fuck.' 


'Fuck toy.'

The words were barely whispers but they were like a raging thunder in Levi's ears. He looked down at the ground sadly. Suddenly his knight in shinning Armour pushed through the crowd his eyes glued to Levi who stared back blushing slightly, 

'Y-You look stunning...'

Erens voice was soft and gentle, he gingerly took Levi's hand pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles gingerly. 

'O-Oh thank you...' 

Levi stuttered back in embarrassment. Before he could speak the murmurs of the crowd began to flow, sinful words feel from the citizens mouths in hushed cheeky whispers, prostitute and cock slut being the more popular choices of words. Their words along was enough to make Levi feel small and insignificant in the world, in that moment he wanted to leave the party, he opened his mouth slightly preparing to speak when Eren's lips slammed against his own in a very explicit display of affection. The room feel silent as Eren dipped Levi slightly to make the kiss more dramatic and dynamic. Levi blushed as he pulled away from the sweet kiss, Eren had a cheeky grin on his face. 

'Thats one way to start the party.'

He purred before bringing their lips together in another passionate kiss. Levi gelt his heart race as he kissed him back happily, a whistle echoed through the air as a snark voice said, 

'Get some Jaeger.' 

Eren growled softly and turned to glare at his friend and fellow God. Jean, the God of Mischief had a glass on wine in his hand and was holding his partner Marcos hand, Carla clapped her hands and motioned for the music to start playing. As the music played the crowd lost interest in the prince and went back to filling their bellies and dancing to the music. Eren walked over to Jean a dark look on his face. 

'You trying to start a fight horseface.'

Eren says sternly, Jean smirked, 

'Don't get your knickers in a twist Jaeger I'm only trying to rile you up.'

Jean smirks as he pulls Levi towards him and smirks, 

'This must be the lovely Levi you spoke so highly love...I can see why you wanna bone him so much.' 

Eren growled, 

'B-Bone me?'

Levi squeaked, Jean smirks, 

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