To Worship A God: Part 9

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Hey guys I'd like to apologies for disappearing for w few weeks, I was extremely sick and am only now feeling much better. Thank you all for being so patient and please enjoy this long chapter! This chapter is so long it has a part two which will be updated next week! I hope you enjoyed!

Warning: Long chapter! Flirting, bad language. 

December 25th 0845 

The first rays of Christmas morning flooded through the open window of Eren's room. Levis pale body was curled up in the silk covers wrapped happily in the warm bedding, Eren watched him as he slept, his eyes had dark bags under them and Eren knew they were from years of him lacking the sleep he truly needed. He gently brushed his soft raven hair away from his peaceful face, he was beautiful. After a very eventful night Levi had just wanted to sleep, originally Eren had brought him to the chambers he'd been healing in but some time during the late hours of the night Levi had came to Eren's chambers in tears and begging to be held. Eren could not deny his request, he'd truly wanted Levi to be beside him twenty four seven but he didn't want to over whelm the poor raven. 

'Oh angel...' 

He whispers as he sees the small traces of Levi's tears from the night before. Kuchel had explained everything and had been truly honest with them, Levi had been far more accepting of the truth but he was still wary of accepting Kuchel as his birth mother. He gazed down at the beautiful raven and gently moved away from him, he gets up smiling. The light breeze nipped his bare skin and he stretched his muscles flexing as he stood shirtless in front of the window, down below his mother had created a beautiful winter wonderland for Levi's birthday. He looked up at the cloudless sky and sighs, there would be a full moon soon, 

'Your highness, Master Levi ha-'

Petra stops and sees Levi curled up in the sheets, the small raven stirred slightly at the sound of her tone. 

'Yes Petra?'

He says in a quiet but authoritative tone. Petra bows her head slightly, 

'I apologise your highness I went to see Master Levi this morning to help him get ready but when I saw he wasn't there I feared he'd been taken or had left...I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions...I'm sorry...'

She says, Eren raises his hand, 

'Don't apologise...It's okay...Levi's safe.'

He says softly, 

'I appreciate the fact that you came here to inform me...He's safe thou so you can relax.'

He says gently, 

'Why are you up so early Petra? Your not meant to work on Christmas day.'

He says as he watches her softly, Petra nods, 

'Yes...I know but...Olou is sick today and he can't come in...So I filled his position...' 

Eren motions for her to follow him into his privates baths in order to not only talk but so as Eren could start preparing a warm bath for Levi. 

'Oh? And why's that?'

He asks, Petra turns on the taps and watches as hot water streams into the tub. 

'He was crying during his bath yesterday...I didn't know why but...He looked sad...' 

Eren looked at her softly, 

'Did he say why?' 

Petra shakes her head, 

'No...He just whispered something...'

To Worship A God (Ereri Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin