Chapter 1

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Content Warning: This does contain a suicide, and will contain censored swearing, but it is not much more than that.

Fiery made his way towards the bathrooms where Leafy and Needle where. 

"Come on Leafy, we have to do the challenge!" he told her, hoping that she would listen to her. "No," said Leafy. Wh-what?" Fiery asked in confusion. "I said no," Leafy said. "What? Are you deaf Fiery? Like that time on the Ferris Wheel, when you did not hear my screams of pain as I died?". Fiery was shocked. Why was she bringing that up now? "Leafy, can we not talk about this now?" .Fiery said. "We need to do the challenge!". "Well what if I do not want to huh? At least now you are acknowledging my existence!" Leafy yelled back. "Why are you still hung up about that? Look, I am sorry for saying the things I said. We can do the challenge now, and then you can ignore me all you want,". Before Leafy could respond, another voice chimed in. "Enough!" 

Needle (who had been standing on the other side of the roof) walks over to Leafy. "I have heard you two arguing this entire time and it is infuriating! Just do the challenge Leafy!". "Stay out of this Needy!" Leafy shot right back at her. "This does not concern you. What was it that you said when I tried to help Taco? Oh, yeah! Mind your own business!".  "Don't call me Needy!" Needle yelled as she moved to slap Leafy. However, Leafy ducked out of the way of the slap, and Needle missed and fell face first onto the roof.  "How did you dodge my slap?" she asked. "How?" Leafy said. "Well, I have gotten used to it, so I was able to dodge pretty easily! Plus, you have not been called "Needy" ("Don't call me Needy!" Needle yelled again and tried to slap Leafy, but she ducked again) for years! So I figured that you where out of practice,".  Before Leafy could say anything else, Needle pushed her off of the roof. "Never mind! Just do the challenge!" Leafy was caught by Fiery, and after Needle jumped into the lava, the two of them made there way to Four. "I told you Fiery, I do not want to do the damn contest! And put me down!" Leafy said as Fiery was carrying her. "To bad, Leafy," Fiery said. "There is nothing but lava around us! You would die if you jumped out of my arms,".  "Then that is what I am going to do," said Leafy. And with those words, she wigged free of Fiery's grip and jumped out of his hands. "LEAFY!" Fiery yelled as Leafy fell into the lava. Leafy screamed in pain. But before she disintegrated completely from the lava, she held a single finger above her head.

Both Fiery and Needle where shocked. "Did she just..." Fiery sputtered. "DID SHE JUST COMMIT SUICIDE?!" he yelled out. Needle was in shock too. She could not believe that Leafy just did that. Even if she did not really like her, she did not deserve to do that!  "We will need to ask Four to recover her," Fiery said glumly. The two of them headed off to the area where Four was, Leafy's death still lingering in their minds.

Fiery and Needle made their way to Four. "The Losers are safe!" Four announced. "Wait, where is Leafy?" Coiny asked. "She...died," Fiery said. "Well, let's bring her back! Along with everyone else," Coiny said. Coiny tells Four to bring back the dead Losers. So Four brought back Eggy, Pin, Cake, Clock (much to his teammates surprise) and Leafy. "Leafy!" Fiery called out to her. But Leafy turned away and walked away from him. "Hey wait, I just want to talk to you!" Fiery called out. "Does it look like I want to talk to you Fiery?!" Leafy yelled at him. "I just want to apologize Leafy! Why do you have to be so...I mean...uh,". Fiery did not want to call her "difficult" again. "Hey Fiery?" Coiny asked him. "Yeah?" said Fiery. "Let me talk to her," Coiny said. Fiery watched as Coiny went up to Leafy. 

"Hey Leafy, can we talk?" Coiny asked Leafy. No response. "I know that you are not willing to talk to Fiery, but you can tell me what is up with you. I promise that I will understand, and I will help you anyway I can,". Leafy turned to look at him. It looked like she had been crying. "You know I stole Dream Island right?" she asked Coiny. "Yeah, so? We all have gotten over that by now," Coiny told her. "I really wish I hadn't, because my friendship with Fiery would not be ****** up right now!". "I did not know that you thought of him as a friend," Coiny said. "I thought I did, but now I see who he really is!" Leafy said. "I just want to get away from him, and everyone else! I do not want to participate in this stupid contest anymore!". Coiny recoiled a bit in shock, but regained his composure. "I think I know what you need," Coiny said. "I was able to find an extra copy of it, so I think it will work,". Coiny reached behind his back and gave Leafy a map. It was a map to YoyleLand. Leafy took the map from Coiny and smiled. "Thank you Coiny, and...say bye to the Losers and Beep for me,". Leafy walked away with the map. Once she was alone, she said the words that would get her away from this place: "Blue-Skidoo, I can too!". Leafy was sucked into the map, leaving the map behind.

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