Chapter 20 Part 2

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Leafy was currently unconscious. She could hear a faint voice calling her name. "Leafy...Leafy...Wake {Bzzt} up!" Leafy opened up her eyes. She was in a cavern. The wreckage of her shack lay all around her. She struggled to get up and looked around. She could see a faint glow blinking not too far from her. She began to walk towards the light to see that it was MePad. "MePad are you alright?" she asked.

The tablet had a look of sadness on his face. "I took a nasty hit Leafy. I fell along with the shack and everyone else,". "Where are the others?" Leafy asked. Realization dawned on her. "If any are still alive that is,". "I detect that there are 14 others who are alive right now," said MePad, "You should find them and stop Evil Leafy,". "But what about you?" Leafy asked. "I'm too injured to help you," MePad responded, "but know this: the Evil Leafy you have been fighting is not the real Evil Leafy. Rather she is a highly advanced clone of her. So advanced that she is not mindless and is more intelligent,". Leafy thought for a few moments. "But what does this have to do with me?" she asked. "When I detected her outside the shack before the attack, there was something strange," MePad began, "she had the same energy readings as you,". Leafy's eyes grew wide. "Wait, are you saying that I am a," she began before MePad finished her sentence. "Yes Leafy. You are a clone of Evil Leafy as well,".

To say that Leafy was shocked about the revelation was an understatement. "W-what?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I'm sorry," said MePad. It was then that Leafy noticed that MePad's screen was cracked. "Are you OK MePad?" she asked. "I took quite a fall, Leafy," MePad replied. "Here," he said as a thumb drive came out of his body. "Take this thumb drive. It has my memories stored on it," he told her. Leafy took the thumb drive. "Thank you for being with me all these months MePad," she said. "It has been an honor Leafy," MePad said as his screen went blank.

Leafy held back tears as she clutched the thumb drive. "Time to find who is left," she told herself. Leafy went around the cavern to see who was left. She found Bubble and Ruby who did not die in the fall due to being metal like she was. She also found Profily, Lollipop, Taco, Blocky, Loser, Woody, Spongy, Flower, Firey, Balloony, Teardrop, and Gelatin. She did not know why it was those 14 exactly, but she was glad that some were still alive. She looked around the area to see who else was alive, but she did not find anything.

Eventually, the group gathered around Firey, due to him being the only source of light. "So, we need to figure out where we are," said Leafy. "First thing first, it is obvious we are underground, but where underground, I do not know,". She looked at the thumb drive that MePad gave her. "If MePad was still alive, then he could help us," she said. Lollipop then spoke up. "I believe that I have a solution," she said as she got out a tablet. The others looked at it with confusion. "How long have you had that Lollipop?" Ruby asked. "I dunno," said Lollipop, "I just remembered I had it. It is surprisingly durable too since it did not break when I fell down the hole,". She handed the tablet over to Leafy, who connected the thumb drive with. The tablet then booted up and MePad's face appeared. "That was weird," he said, "But hey! I'm back!". Leafy was happy that MePad was back, but they had more important things to do than celebrate. "MePad do you know where we are?" she asked him. MePad hummed for a bit before he made a "ding" sound. "We are in a cave system underneath YoyleLand," he said. "Can you see if you can pull up a map?" Leafy asked. MePad nodded his face. "Certainly,".

While this was going on, the others noticed that Loser was acting weird. "Hey, my cubic compadre!" said Blocky walking up to him, "How's it hanging!" he said. Loser said nothing. But Blocky could hear him mumbling something. "Hey, Loser, are you alright?" he asked. Loser did not respond but kept mumbling. Blocky leaned in to see what he was saying. "Reunion...must join..." said Loser. It was faint, but Blocky thought he heard Loser say something about a reunion. Loser then began to walk forward, startling Blocky. "Hey Loser, where are you going?" he asked. Loser did not respond but kept on walking forward.

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