Chapter 20 Part 1

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Leafy was fighting off a Roboty clone when Coiny ran up to her. "What is it Coiny?" she asked as she threw a knife at the Roboty clone, destroying it. "Leafy," Coiny began, "I need to tell you something!". "Well spit it out Coiny! I don't have all day!" said Leafy as she held back a David clone,".

"I just found out that if any of the possessed contestants get their anger out, or are apologized to, they break off from the possession," said Coiny. Leafy thought for a moment. "Hold on," she said as she knocked a Roboty clone over. She went to the back of it and opened a hatch. "I've been getting good at robotics lately. MePad sometimes needs repair, and since I lived in isolation, I had to figure out how to fix him myself,". She fiddled around with Roboty's insides until she found a switch. "Ah-ha!" she said as she flicked it. Roboty then sprang to life and began to speak. "Bad leader...bad I...talking?!". Smoke came out of Roboty's mouth, and he slumped over. He then booted back up and looked around. "Where am I? This isn't the exit," he said. He then realized that he was saying actual words. "I'm talking?!" he exclaimed suddenly.

Leafy then went up to him. "How are you feeling Roboty?" she asked. Roboty took a minute to answer. "I feel fine," he said. He then paused and looked at Leafy. "Did you really mean what you said?" he asked. Leafy was puzzled. "I thought you could not remember what happened," she said. "Well, yes I don't remember. But the memories are coming back to me now," Roboty said. "That's good," said Leafy, "what do you remember?" she asked. "I remember being in the EXIT when this red smoke came into the room that we where in," said Roboty, "It went inside everyone who was in the room including me. Not sure how it was able to possess me since I am a mechanical mind though,". Leafy nodded, "the red smoke was Evil Leafy. My...evil twin/clone,". Roboty could not nod but he continued nonetheless. "I was in this space inside my mind with all of my memories playing, most of them were bad and of you, no offense,". Leafy shrugged, "water under the bridge. I'm a changed Leaf,".

"Anyways," said Leafy, "we need to get the others back somehow,". She saw Ice Cube running away from a Match clone. "I got an idea," she said. She found a Bracetly clone and held up Ice Cube to her. "Hey Bracetly! Look who it is!" she said. Bracetly blinked and red smoke came out of her mouth. "OH MY GOSH! ICE CUBE!" she suddenly started to shout. Ice Cube was a bit confused but appreciated the attention. "Now to take care of Match and Pencil," said Leafy. "Hey guys!" he called out to them. A Match clone and a Pencil clone turned and looked at her. "We're girls!" they both said at the same time. "Here are your alliance members!" said Leafy dragging Ruby and Bubble over. "Loify, I'm not too sure about this," said Bubble. "Trust me Bubble, you and Ruby are their only friends, if anyone could break them out of their possession, it is you two," Leafy said. She then left to find the remaining clones. She did not know how to free David and Dora, but she had an idea with Stapy.

She found Stapy chasing around Fanny and Lightning. He kept on repeating "iance must be destroyed!" over and over again. Leafy looked around and spotted Foldy sitting by herself. "Hey Foldy, can I borrow you for a moment?" she called out to her. "Uh, sure Leafy, what's up?" Foldy asked. "I have an idea on how you can free Stapy, but it might be a bit awkward if I say it out loud. Foldy looked around. Most of the contestants where fighting off David, Dora, Liy, and Firey Jr. clones now. Apparently, whatever Bubble and Ruby did with Match and Pencil freed them. Evil Leafy was sitting on top of the hill looking bored out of her mind. "You can tell me Leafy, no one can hear us," said Foldy. "Well, alright," said Leafy. And she told Foldy what she needed to do.

"L-leafy, are you sure?" she asked, her face (which was her entire body) going red. "Well, yeah, you and Marker are his closest friends, Marker is off doing something else right now, so you are the only way we can bring Stapy back," said Leafy. Foldy sighed. "Alright Leafy. If you say so,". She then went up to a Stapy clone. The clone made a confused look at her. Foldy then took a deep breath.

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