Chapter 17

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The remaining contestants were hanging out in the cabin. Some were in the basement checking the parameter, and some were hanging out in the main room talking with each other. Taco was glad that she and Book were on good terms again. Book had since apologized for her actions and Taco accepted it. "It's just, I feel like Match and Pencil influenced me," she told her. "I get that," said Taco. "I saw that they are pretty abusive to anyone they don't like," said Taco. "Tell me about it," Lightning grumbled as he floated by. "They tried to tell me what to do, and when Bubble protested, they got mad at her for it!". "What does Ruby see in them anyway?" asked Fanny who was also walking by. 

"It's not like I see anything good in them," said Ruby, who was talking to Flower, "they just invited me into their alliance, and I jumped at the chance!". "Yeah, I know that I did not act the best back then, but the two of them were actually pretty nice to people," said Flower. "I hear you, they kept yelling at me that I did not press the right buttons when we were trying to escape Evil Leafy. I tried, but Pencil kept getting mad. At least Book was somewhat reasonable back then," said Ruby.

Leafy was having a conversation with Loser (well, the Evil Leafy inside him) when he felt a tap on the shoulder. "Huh?" she asked. She turned around to see Taco standing behind her. "What do you need Taco?" she asked her. "I kind of would like to talk to you," said Taco. "Ok, sorry Loser, we'll talk later," she told Loser. "That is fine, not like I'm leaving this cage anyway," Evil Leafy!Loser said. Taco took her to a corner of the cabin. "I want to thank you for helping me clear things up with Book," said Taco. "You don't have to thank me, it really was not my business to get into it," said Leafy. "True, but your advice did stick, and I want to make it up to you," said Taco. "Hey, Firey!" she yelled at Firey who was across the room. "Huh?" he yelled back. "Can you come over here for a minute?" she yelled back. "OK, sure!" he yelled.  "What do you want" he asked, noticing Leafy standing right next to her. "Oh...uh, hi?". "Hello Firey," said Leafy. "Nice weather we are having?" he asked. "Yeah, it is quite balmy around here," said Leafy. Firey turned to leave, but Taco grabbed him. "Ow!" she yelled. "What, did you forget that I am made of Fire?" asked Firey. "Yeah, but never mind that, I want you and Leafy to tell me what is going on between you two," she said. "Nothing is going on between us," said Leafy. "Oh really?" said Taco, "I've seen the way you two have treated each other recently. I was there when you two had your argument,".  "You got us there," said Leafy. "Yep," said Firey. "So, I want you to burry the hatchet," said Taco. "Hey, these things take time," said Firey. "Yeah, I mean what if something else came up like if BFB split up and Loser stole Donut's Diary and after he gets eliminated again, Four offers it up as a prize, but then it get's stolen and the challenge is to see who stole it," said Leafy. "That is...oddly specific," said Taco, "but besides that, what started all this?". Leafy sighed. Taco should know everything if she was going to help them. "It all started when Firey built a Ferris Wheel for me..." she began.

"So wait, the reason this hostility began between you two was because Leafy died on a Ferris Wheel because Firey had a lavafall on it, and when Leafy died, she screamed for her life, and Firey ignored her, and he took that as Leafy insulting him, so he did not let her onto Dream Island which led to her stealing it in the first place?" Taco asked. "Yes," said Leafy. "So it is Firey's fault that you stole Dream Island?" she asked. "I would not say that it is completely his fault," said Leafy, "I was acting impulsively and I did not think straight. I was shocked by his rejection that I just acted without thinking. And I'm sorry for taking it, because it did not just ruin our friendship, it also ruined my relationship with everyone else,". Firey was silent at this. "So, Firey, I'm sorry for stealing Dream Island from you, that was wrong of me,". Firey was still silent. "You don't have to forgive me, but at least I got that out of the way," she said. Firey did not say anything, he just walked away. Taco patted her on the shoulder. "You did great Leafy," she told her. "I guess..." she said. The two talked a bit more when suddenly an alarm sounded through the cabin. "There is a proximity alert!" said MePad. Leafy looked out the window to see Four, the eliminated contestants, and someone else outside. "She's here," she said. "Evil Leafy is here,".

The part where Taco talks to Leafy is based on the first story I posted here. I did not really like how it turned out, so I deleted it and reused the idea somewhat with this chapter.

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