~she gets into an accident?!~

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I just put that pic because why not y'know?

Ash's pov
   I was walking along the streets of new York. It was day time but here, mutants are accepted. Anyways I walking along the sidewalk until I noticed two kids standing scared in the road and a car speeding towards them. Without thinking I run towards them and push them to safety. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky. I was hit by the car and I heard as people yelled and the kids cried and people ran towards me before I blacked out.

MC's pov
(Didn't expect his pov did ya?)
    I was watching TV alone  and drinking orange juice when the TV show got cut of by the news. "Ugh" I pouted until I heard what was being said. The news woman stood in front of a car crash scene surrounded by ambulances and police cars. Then I heard it.

  Breaking news! There has been a tragic car accident on the streets of New York City! On main 4th Street a red car sped down the road. Bystanders say that it was headed towards to young children until a hero stepped in.

A picture of Ash, my brothers girlfriend, showed on screen and I choked on my orange juice with wide eyes. Her photo got my full attention.

  Astrix Sundew is the hero that saved these young children's lives but is paying big time. After shoving the children out of the path of the car she was struck and immediately knocked unconscious. Bystanders called 911 but the car that hit her only drove off faster. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this was a tragic hit and run case. Astrix is currently in a coma and had multiple surgeries to help her. Unfortunately it is currently Unkown as to wether or not she will wake up or live. That's today's news, at wolf 26 news.

I hadn't realized but I had dropped my orange juice on the carpet. I was frozen in shock, staring wide eyes at the tv showing photos of the crash scene. "GUYS GET THE F*CK OUT HERE! GHOST! DUDE COME HERE MAN!" I shout. Everybody comes out to the living room.

Ghost's pov
   MC called out for us and then for me. I mumbled something to myself before walking up still polishing my gun. (wait, do people polish guns? XD) I walk out and see a horrified MC, "what?" I ask annoyed. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "C'mon mc say something!" Rebel shouts clearly just as annoyed. MC points to the tv. We see pictures of a really bad looking accident but I'm still confused. The man started to talk while MC looked scared out of his mind.

  Ladies and gentlemen this is a very tragic casualty that happened earlier today. As you heard there was a hit and run occurrence. The hero who saved two children from certain death now fighting for her life.

I see a picture of Ash and drop my gun causing Swift and Rebel who were besides me to jump and look at me with wide eyes. Where as I was to focused on the TV at this point.

  This brave young woman, named Astrix Sundew, pushed the two kids out of harms ways but unfortunately ended up being hit herself. She is in a coma in (city name) hospital. It is Unkown as to when or even if, she will wake up.

   My brothers are staring at me with wide eyes and they look even more worried when they see my gun broken to pieces on the ground. I just stand there and then say, "Im going" before heading to get my keys. My brothers are to scared of me right now to even try to object. I grab my keys and quickly get out and onto my bike. I don't worry about grabbing my helmet, actually I rarely use it anyways so whatever. The most important thing is Ash. She really did that to save two kids? Yeah that amazing and all but she might f*cking die! I speed to the ER and quickly park my bike. I get into the hospital and walk up to the front. The lady like up and I say, "when can I see Astrix?" In a scary tone of voice. She looks sad and says, "she should be out of surgery in ten minutes and be able to be seen in around eighteen". My eyes widened, "she had surgery?!" I say concerned. "Yes, she had a shattered shoulder blade and for broken ribs. She also suffered head trauma and it is currently Unkown if she will wake up" the lady says. Those last words basically crush my heart, she might not make it. I walk to the waiting room and I just pace back and forth. After about five minutes my brothers all came in an told the lady there where here for me. Okay then? Here for me? They sure as h*ll ain't takin me home till I see Ash! They come over and just sit down while I continue to pace back and forth in front of them. They look nervous and Swift said, "I, uh, told Ace". I sigh, great now she's gonna come and panic with me. Y'know what? I don't really care right now, h*ll I wouldn't care if she hugged me! Well, as I said I promised not to care so here I am with Ace hugging me and crying into my best. My brothers looked both shocked and terrified at the scene. I just lean against the wall and rub her back soothingly. I really don't care that this is happening to be honest. I usually would hate hugs but I guess she's been through a lot and now both of her sisters are in coma's. I remember once Ash told me a secret she never told anyone else. She has another sister. An older sister that was kicked out of the house when Ash was around four. She hasn't seen her since then and Ash and her sisters don't talk about it. I honestly feel really bad for Ace even if I don't show it. I just close my eyes and Ace doesn't let go, I sigh but just let her cling on to me like her life depended on it. My only question is, why did she hug me?
  After about fifteen more minutes pass and then a doctor comes out and tells us we can come back. Ace finally let's go but doesn't move. So Rebel does a thing and ends up with her clinging to him like a koala bear. He doesn't care either though, he just carries her back to the room like that. MC is also crying a little at this point. We get to the room and Ash is hooked up to tubes and wires, she had a machine hooked to her that was beeping. MC starts to actually cry at this and Swift hugs him to try and calm him down. Ace eventually let's go of Rebel and walks over with the others to Ash's bedside. I lean against the wall and watch sadly. Then I felt something, wait, I was, crying? When was even the last time I cried?! Well, I guess I was crying a little. Warm tears rolled down my cheek luckily nobody noticed. After a few minutes everybody else leaves so i can be alone with Ash I guess. I sit in a chair next to her bed. And just stare at her, I sigh sadly. I wish I could've been there to save her. I rest my head in my arms on the table next to her head and whisper, "baby please don't leave me". Yes, I know it's usually something said in dramatic romance movies but I really can't loose her. She's the only one who really understands me. After a few more minutes a kiss her forehead, "I love you" I say before walking out.

Ash's pov (?)
   I couldn't see anything or remember anything that had happened. I was in a black space, nothing around me. All I could see was black. I couldn't move but I hear crying and beeping. I feel some sort of warm presence and I faintly hear, "baby please don't leave me". I mentally question things I try to respond but I can't. After a bit, I couldn't really tell how long it had been, it could have been seconds or it could have been hours. Anyways, after a bit I hear the same sad voice saying, "I love you" and I feel light warmth touching what I think was my forehead, I couldn't quite tell what it where it was but I know it was there. Now I'm left in the cold, dark, pool of nothingness. Trying to figure out where I am, or why I am here, or what happened.

Rebel's pov
   I drive home with MC, Swift, and Ace. Ghost drives himself home. Once we get there Ace is all sad but I don't like her to be like that. It hurts me to see someone I love all sad and mopey. Yes, I love her but would she love me back? Well, now's not the time at all to even be thinking about that. When we get home Ghost doesn't even look at anyone he just rushes to the basement and away from us all. I have to carry Ace out if the car. I put her on a couch and lay down on a different one. I close my eyes and start to drift off. I am almost asleep when I feel warmth and weight being put on my plastron. My face contorts in confusion before I open my eyes and blush. Ace is curled up and asleep on my plastron. I smile and drift off to sleep as well.

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