She got captured

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The photo above is Zane Atlas Hamato. She is the turtles little sister and she was taken by the kraang and tested on. She was turned into a half demon half human. She can grow wings if she wants to. This story will start from when she is captured. 

Leo's age: 12
Raph's age: 12
Donnie's age: 11
Mikey's age: 10 (but a few months older than Zane)
Zane's age: 10

Right now Zane doesn't look like the photo. She at first was a normal girl with blue eyes, she had no fangs, horns, or tail yet. She will get those in a bit XP. She also isn't dressed like that yet since she's young right now, well, younger than the main plot of the story. Anyways let's go!

Zane's pov
   I was walking home from the library. I had to study unfortunately since a test was coming up soon. I was walking the normal route. I checked for an empty alley but they all seemed occupied one way or another. I sighed, "c'mon" I mumbled impatiently. I decided to climb into a roof and wait till people left. I sat on the roof and pulled out my phone to text my adoptive brothers. Unfortunately before I could unlock my phone it was kicked by a large metal boot and it fell into an open manhole. I growled in annoyance before I heard a voice that nobody ever wants to hear. "you know the turtles?", My eyes widen...


I jumped up and looked at the metal armored man. "What do you want?" I ask trying to keep myself together. Shredder only laughed evilly before saying, "I will let the kraang test their newest project on you!".  gasped and tried to back up but it was no use since he grabbed Mee by both my arms and carried me away.

Back at the lair

"Guys shouldn't Zane be back by now?" Mikey asked scared. Raph rolled his eyes, "it's only been thirty minutes" Raph says. Donnie walks in, "actually it's been around an hour! Maybe we should search for her" Donnie says. Raph's eyes widen slightly, 'how has it been an hour?!' he thought to himself. Leo grabbed his katanas, "let's look now" he says putting them in the sheaths. The guys nod and grab their weapons as well. Splinter walks in, "my son's where are you going?" He asks. Leo turned to him and says in a slightly scared tone (not scared of splinter XD scared for his sister), "Zane hasn't come back yet and we were going to search for her!". Splinters eyes widen slightly before he nods, "go, but be careful my son's" he says. The guys nod before running out of the lair to search for their adopted sister.
   "I hope they find her" splinter says to no one once the boys leave. He doesn't want to lose another family member. (PS this is based of the 2012 version XP)

with the guys
   They first looked through the sewers. "Guys! Look!" Mikey shouts to his brothers. His brothers come to him and look at the small object on the ground under a manhole. "Oh no its her phone!" Donnie says picking it up. "Wit so that means there's no way to track her!!!" Leo shouts in a panic. The guys eyes all widen at that and the mumble an, "oh no".
   They check the whole city and look everywhere they could think of. Unfortunately that wasn't enough, they couldn't find their sister anywhere. "L-lets go home for the night guys" leo says sadly while looking at the ground. Raph growls and punched a wall in the alley they were in. "Go home?! She could be being tortured right now! We can't just stop!!!" Raph shouts. Mikey has tears rolling. Down his face and leo and Donnie convince Raph to go home for the night.
  They get back to the lair where splinter is sitting hoping for good news. They all walk in looking at the ground, even Raph has tears in his eyes but he doesn't let them fall unlike the others. Mikey was crying the most. Splinter saw his sons emotions and that was enough to tell him that couldn't find her. Splinters ears lower to his head sadly. Mikey runs over and hugs splinter. Mikey is full on sobbing right now. Donnie sadly walk to his lab with his head down. Raph growls angrily, (not at his brothers or Zane but because they didn't find her) and he beats the punching bag. Splinter, with Mikey still clinging to him, asks leo why happened. Leo says, "w-we search the w-whole c-city but we c-couldn't find h-her Sensai. A-and a-also we f-found her phone s-so we c-c-cant t-track h-her!" He begins to sob hugging his father with Mikey. Splinter sighs and closes his eyes which have a few tears in them as well. "It's not your fault my son's, we will find her" splinter says.
   That night leo and Mikey cried themselves to sleep, Raph punched practically everything he saw, Donnie kept trying to find anything to help them get to Zane, and splinter meditated trying to see if he could find a way of communication with Zane. The lair was completely quiet for the rest of the night/day. Not even Mikey could put on a smile. Though Mikey was constantly in his room crying wishing his little sister would come home. The lair just radiated a feeling off of it. They all felt it and the feeling but them hard in the heart.


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