~sister injured/ angry eyes~

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Astrix's pov
I was currently running as fast as I could toward Shredder's lair. Yeah that sounds stupid as f*ck I know but my sister was in trouble. Nobody knew I was doing this but it wasn't actually the first time I had a rescue mission at Shredders lair. My sisters tend to get caught and I'm the quietest one of all three of us. Ace knew I was going and she was almost having a full out panic attack. She was pacing a rooftop that wasn't too far from the lair. The first time Axe got kidnapped she was taken but Ace and I were able to get away, but we sure as hell weren't gonna leave our sister! We followed and I went in to get her. After that I made us all things with emergency buttons that would immediately send our location to our devices, our phones, computers, heck the tv had and alarm to warm us! They were in the form of earrings, yep, earrings. Industrial piercings to be exact, we all had at least one industrial piercing, Axe actually had two but that doesn't matter. There was a hidden button on the back of each one, nobody usually goes around ripping out piercings so it was the perfect way to secretly get help! Anyways back to the present, I was crouching outside of the broken window of Shredder's lair and there was Axe! Tied up to a chair in the middle of the room, like always. You'd think they would change it up a little especially since I've done about 56 escape missions in this place and they all went like this one. I jump on the bars on the ceiling, jumping one by one. Then I check to be sure no one will see me before I silently jump down and cut the ropes. Unfortunately this time they cut a huge line down Axe's leg and slashed her face. On top of that she was out cold, so I had to carry her. There was blood everywhere. I ran to the rooftop where Ace was and she gasped. I sat Axe down and had Ace help me tie off the wounds. The fastest way to get help would be going to the guy's house, hope they don't mind. Although they might not realize, I know that MC has a crush on Ace, and vise versa. So MC would be crushed to she her like this but there was no other easy way out of this, and there was no way I'm letting my sister die because of wanting to protect MC's emotions. I picked her up and Ace and I ran to the guy's house. While we where running I managed to get my phone out and call Ghost.

Ash: Babe, Axe is hurt and we have to bring her to your place

Ghost: why?

Ash: it's closer and she could die from blood loss and I'd rather that not happen

Ghost: what happened?

Ash: the shredder happened

Ghost: are you okay?!

Ash: yes, I wasn't touched, I just went there to get her

Ghost: why would you go there?!

Ash: *sigh* just please help us when we get there

I hung up slightly annoyed that Ghost was worrying about me, I'm definitely not the one he should be worrying about. I look back and a few tears are running down Ace's face. "Ace she'll be fine" I say trying to make sure she doesn't have a panic attack and pass out. Ace and Axe both get panic attacks when certain thing like these happen. Ace nods and we don't stop running until we get to the guy's place. Ace knocks on the door but before anyone had the chance to open it she opened it. There was one person, turtle, there though, and just our luck it was MC. He grabbed his bat at first but immediately dropped it when he saw Axe, his eyes widened and he looked like he was about to cry. I just ran past him and down to the armory where Ghost was. I didn't knock I just opened the door and saw ghost grabbing first aid things. When he turned towards us it was obvious that he wasn't expecting that bad of injuries. Axe was covered in blood, I was covered in Axe's blood. I just sat her down on the work table and Ghost started to clean it. We didn't really talk but I was just walking back and forth trying to convince myself that everything would be okay. After a few minutes I said, "I'll be back I need to check on Ace and see if MC is any less traumatized". Ghost then replied, "why would MC be traumatized?". I quickly said, "Ace knocked and he was going to the door but Ace just opened the door and MC saw Axe and looked pretty traumatized to me" then I walk out and go to the living room, Ace is pacing back and forth and MC is literally standing the same way he was when I left. I walk towards them and Ace hugs me and starts bawling her eyes out. I hug her back and then Rebel yells, "COULD YOU SHUT UP", I know he didn't realize what was happening out here but that still pissed me off. "NOT REALLY IDIOT" I yelled back. I could tell I pissed him off since I could hear him stomp out of his room slamming the door behind him and mumbling things under his breath. He walked to the entrance of the living room and was about to yell at me until he saw I was hugging Ace, Ace was crying a lot, and I was covered in blood. He looked over and saw his brother frozen in place with his bat laying next to him on the ground. Rebel looked at MC's face and saw the horrified expression MC had. Rebel waved his hand in MC's face, nothing. He snapped his fingers in his face, nothing again. Rebel grunted in annoyance and slapped him, MC jumped back and I yelled, "HEY! DONT HIT HIM!". "Well maybe IF HE RESPONDED I WOULDN'T HAVE!" Rebel retorted. I glare at him, "well let me ask you. How would you react if you saw a half dead girl that you like being carried in my her older sister covered in blood?!" I asked angrily. That made him stop, "do you mean he has a crush on this girl?" Rebel asked. I rolled my eyes, "yes, but that's not the point!" I say. MC is just standing there wondering how I know about his crush. "Who the heck is it?! You can't like someone you just met!" Rebel shouted. I growled, "WELL YA DIPSHIT, ACTUALLY I BELIEVE WE ALL KNOW AXE! MY F*CKING SISTER! EVER THOUGH ABOUT THAT ONE?!" I yelled at Rebel. His eyes widened a bit before he raised and 'eyebrow' ridge. Then Swift walked out rubbing his eyes, since he was rubbing his eyes he didn't see the scene. "Could we stop yelling?!" Swift said annoyed. I growled again, "NO! MY SISTER MIGHT DIE AND REBEL ISN'T HELPING SO IM NOT GONNA STOP UNLESS I WANT TO OKAY?!?!" I yell extremely angry and loud. Swift brings his hands down and his eyes also widen at the sight of me covered in blood. He walks over and looks at me, "Are you okay?!" He asks. "ARE YOU RETARDED?!" I yell back making him look at me in confusion, I scoff, "IT'S NOT MY BLOOD ITS MY SISTERS!". He then realises what I mean, "oh" he simply says. "OH?! OH?! THATS IT?! JUST OH?!" I yell. He backs up, "you need to calm down" swift says. I could tell that my anger was reaching a bad level, I could feel my eyes change color as I glared daggers at Swift. When he saw my eyes change from their normal light purple to red his eyes widened even further. I growled and my claws where out, hell even Rebel looked scared right now, well not that he would admit it. Everyone went quiet as I growled lowly showing my sharp canine teeth. Ace knew by the silence and growling what was happening, also due to her wolf hearing she could hear the boys back away from them. She released me from the hug but held my shoulders tightly so I wouldn't attack. She looks me dead in the eyes before realizing the color. "Oh... come on" she said grabbing my arm and taking me downstairs to the armory. Ghost looked up but didn't notice my eyes, he quickly looked back to my sister. Ace didn't even glance over at Axe. Ace locked the door and Ghost looked up at the sound. He finished picking up the tools before looking at what was happening. It was hard for me to tell what all was happening since my angry, red eyed vision made everything various shade of red. My sister sat me down on a chair and I heard Ghost ask, "what are you doing?". Ace said, "she needs to calm down, look at her eyes". I could faintly tell that Ghost came closer to me and I could see his face when he got close enough. His now bright red eyes were looking directly into mine. I wanted to look away but I just couldn't. Everything started to turn black and I felt Ghost jump back. I could sense how scared Ghost was but I could also sense how calm Ace was, she had delt with this many times before. Slowly my vision was turning back to normal and I could feel my eyes change color back to the calming comfortable purple. No more red was seen anymore, but when Ghost crouched down to my face I could help but stare into his red eyes. They were now back to their gorgeous Dark red color. Ace was just standing bye Axe looking at her. When I was completely calm and realized where I was I saw Ghost just looking into my eyes almost like he was waiting for them to change again. I mean, that is understandable considering the way thing work when this happens is my eye color changes to a slightly glowing red, then when I'm calming back down they turn completely black, not just the color this time but the whole eye, just a pool of black, after a few seconds like that they go back to the normal light purple. When my eyes change back to the purple it always feels so soothing, and calming, and nice. Only this time I calmed down faster, the only reason I could think of is Ghost staring into my eyes, only about six inches from my face. When I realized where I was and everything happening around me I just jumped forwards into Ghost. He jumped a little at the sudden movement but he hugged back after realizing what happened. He stood up and sat down in the chair, I sat in his lap side ways and just pressed my head into his chest. A few tears fall and I feel the warmth of them running down my cheeks. He just hugs me and rubs my back, while I hug him. I hear light footsteps come over to me and someone sit in a chair next to us, but I front of me since I'm side ways. Then I feel a hand scratch behind my ear and my ears flatten down. My tails sways from side to side and I felt Ghost silently laugh a little. I didn't look at the person but only Ace scratches my ears after this so I know it's her. My head instinctively presses into her hand but also Ghost's chest. My eyes are still closed and Im hugging Ghost's arm, but he doesn't really mind.

Ghost's pov
Ash was just sitting on my lap, with her eyes closed while I rub her back. Ace brings a chair over and scratches behind Ash's ears making them go flat to her head. I silently laugh a little at how cute she was. Ash leans her head into my chest and Ace's hand and I glance at Ace through the corner of my eyes and she's smiling. Ace moves her head so the side of it's leaning on my chest and she moves her arms down from around my neck and just hugs my arm. I smile unknowingly at Ash, she's just so damn adorable. She eventually falls asleep with Ace scratching behind her ears. I look over to Axe and she seems fine, I had to give her IV since she was loosing so much blood and that was the best option for now. I will have to give her blood if she ends up needing it. I look back at Ash who is asleep and smiling. I have to get up and check on Ace so I have to move Ash. I think for a minute before just deciding she could sleep in my bed, I'm barely ever in it anyways. "I'm gonna lay her down in my bed so I can check Axe" I say. Ace nods and I stand up holding Ash. I carry her into my room and lay her down, then I realize that she won't know where she is if she wakes up. I cover her and think for a minute before just deciding to leave her in here. She'll yell if she needs me, right?
Anyways I walk back out and see Ace watching Axe like she's gonna fly away. I walk over and look at her from the other side of the bed. She has stitches down her leg from her knee to her ankle. She also has a few stitches on her face unfortunately, but it was the best thing I could do. I had to stop her from loosing all the blood somehow. She had three claw marks across her face most likely by Shredder. I grab some cleaning things and clean the stitches up a little before wrapping them. "Can MC come down here? He was pretty traumatized seeing her like that..." Ace asked. I didn't really like him down here but I seriously doubt he would touch anything right now. I mean, I find it pretty obvious that he has a crush on Axe. I would probably be pretty traumatized to if I saw Ash carried in looking like that, even before we were dating. "...Sure..." I say and Ace gets up and quickly leaves the room.

Ace's pov
I knew MC was crushed from seeing Axe in that condition so I figured it would be best for him to see her. Now that she wasn't bleeding every where. I walk out and see Swift and Rebel trying to figure out how to comfort their baby brother.

MC's pov
I was a little confused that Ash knew about my crush but I didn't really care right now. I was scared that Axe would die! Swift and Rebel were trying to comfort me but nothing helped. Until Ace came out, "hey?" She said. I looked back as did my brothers, "Ghost said MC could come down, if you want to" she says. I jump over the back of the couch and run down the stairs leaving Swift, Rebel, and Ace wide eyed. I open the door and honestly feel a little better since she's not bleeding anymore. I want to rush over but I don't want to hurt her or anything like that so I walk over to the opposite side of the table from Ghost. Ghost is wrapping her leg up and I could she she had stitches there, then I see her face and almost cry. She had three giant claw marks across her face, she even had a few stitches! Shredder is going to die next time I see him. Wait a minute, why did Ace specifically say I could come down? why not everyone? I shrug it off and just quietly sit down in a chair next to the table Axe was laying on. I just stare at her and intensely watch Ghost bandage her up. I can tell Ghost is confused from how quiet I am being, usually I would be bouncing off walls, or beating things with my bat, or even just talking, but I was never this quiet. But I couldn't talk, not without crying, I wanted to cry but I couldn't let myself be so weak and stupid. Then I thought of something, what if Axe doesn't like me back even?! I didn't really notice but I was just staring at her face. Also, Ghost was staring at me for a minute before cleaning up. I feel like ghost would understand how I feel right? He would be devastated if something happened to Ash. Heck he was probably more scared for Ash than Axe! That thought made me a little mad but I know that Ash probably wouldn't even let him help her until Axe was helped. Ash wasn't even hurt from what I heard. Not that I wouldn't care about Ash, of course I would care about her. After a few minutes Ghost opened the door and called for Ace, I was still staring at Axe. Ace came down and out of the corner of my eye I saw her look sadly at me. Then Ghost said something nobody wanted to hear, "well, guys I think she will be in a coma for a while". Ace and I both widened our eyes and Ace started crying, I was holding my tears back. Ace walked over next to me and got a chair to sit down. She put her arms on the table next to Axe's legs and just laid her head down. "How the *sniff* hell are we gonna *sniff* tell Ash?!" Ace said. I saw Ghost's eyes widen slightly, that's when I realized he hadn't thought about that. Suddenly we all heard a voice from Ghost's room shout, "Stop!" Ace immediately was the first one thought the door. She clearly didn't care that it was Ghost's room.

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