~She gets kidnapped?!~

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Astrix's pov
   I was sleeping for a while, me and my sisters were currently back at our houses. I woke up feeling weird at about one in the morning. I don't know how to describe the feeling I had though. Anyways I decided to go sit outside for a bit to clear my mind and maybe I'll fall asleep then. I get up and throw on a fuzzy top over the sports bra type of top I was sleeping in.

 I get up and throw on a fuzzy top over the sports bra type of top I was sleeping in

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I was also wearing black leggings so I didn't need to change those, and I slipped on my shoes before heading downstairs

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I was also wearing black leggings so I didn't need to change those, and I slipped on my shoes before heading downstairs. I felt like I forgot about something but I didn't know what. I decided I would be fine without whatever it was, but I was very wrong. I opened the door and walked outside. My sisters were heavy sleepers but I was a very light sleeper. So the door hadn't woken Ace up, it would have woken me up though. Axe is still in a coma and we left her at the guy's place because it was safer since we went over there a lot. I step outside and the nice, soft, cool, breeze hits my face. My hair was in it's usually two Dutch braids. My ears twitched slightly and my tail swayed side to side as I enjoyed the nice cool air. I lean up against the house and cross my arms looking out at the woods surrounding our house. It was nice and I closed my eyes for a bit, just listening to my surroundings. Suddenly I hear a quiet breath, my eyes snap open and I almost scream at the sight in front of me. There was a man standing right in front of me! I reached towards my gun and that's when I noticed what I was forgetting. "Shit" I mumbled under my breath. So long for being okay without the thing I knew I was forgetting! "Heya darling~ watcha doin out this late?" The man asked. Did this son if a b*tch not realize he was on my property?! I narrowed my eyes at him, "oi! Get the hell off my property!" I said annoyed and angrily. The man just came closer and I tried to move away but he grabbed my arms to keep me in place. "LET ME GO!" I yell hoping to wake up Ace. The man says, "shut up bitch!" And puts a cloth over my mouth and nose. Shit, the cloth obviously had something on it and I started to feel dizzy. I felt a sharp pain in my side before black spots started to take over my vision and I only heard the man laughing as he took me away somewhere.

Ace's pov
  I heard yelling but I only woke up halfway, that is, until I heard laughing. Not Ash laughing but a man laughing. I jumped out of bed and looked out my window but I saw nothing. I ran to Ash's room and opened the door but she wasn't there! "Oh no" I say to myself as I run downstairs shouting "ASH! ASH!". I start to panic when I realize she wasn't here. I go outside after grabbing my knife and look around but I only saw a small pool of blood by the house! My eyes widen and I run inside, then I see Ash's gun on the kitchen counter. "F*ck she probably forgot it! What the h*ll do I do?!" I yell at myself. Then an amazing idea comes into my mind. I run to my room and literally rip my phone off the charger while turning it on. I click the first of the guys contact I see and call them. MC picked up the phone and I was pacing the room and breathing heavily and fast.

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