Chapter 17

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We were both silent on the way back to the house. Travis didn’t know what to say to comfort me and even if he had opened his mouth I would not have listened. I was just focused on meeting this Alpha.

What would this mean for me and Dawn? In my mind it shouldn’t change us all, but according to my wolf it would ruin us.

Not ruin . . . save! He growled again.

I ignored him as we pulled up to the house.

“Are you ready?” Travis asked.

“No, but does that matter?” I turned to him as he shut off the car and got out. I followed and we walked up to the house.

“Dude, you are an Alpha,” Travis whispered encouragingly. “Act like one.”

I stood taller and I walked up the stairs nervously. 

I can do this. She is just some girl. I can do this.

'Stop fooling yourself.' My wolf growled annoyed.

Shut up. Leave me alone. You betrayed our mate.

'And you will kill her for your foolishness.'

No I will not. I refuse to believe that.

I walked into the house with Travis close on my tail.

“Anthony, finally. I thought you ignored the call,” my mother sighed as she rushed into the front room.

“He wouldn't dare disrespect an Alpha like that. Would you?” My father walked into the room closely behind my mother.

“Of course not.” I met his eyes trying to hide my fool fears.

“Stop acting like a beaten kitten, Anthony. This is an honor. Act like it!” He snapped.

“Yes, of course, father,” I stood tall.

“Come on. Both of you.” Mom waved us towards the living room. My father walked first and then Travis followed, then me and my mother.

“Just act normal, sweetie.” My mother patted my shoulder. 

“Mom, I'm fine,” I growled. I didn't know why exactly, but deep down I still blamed her for the situation I was in currently.

“I'm sorry.” She breathed.

“I'm sure,” I sighed and then we were in the living room and I quieted down and listened to my father.

“Alpha Lupa, please allow me to introduce, my nephew and future Beta, Travis,” Travis stepped forward and bowed to the Alpha. 

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Alpha,” Travis stated. 

I was still blocked from the Alpha by my father.

“And, of course, my sob and future Alpha, Anthony,” He announced.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Alpha,” I said as I stepped forward and stopped half way through my bow because I was paralyzed as I looked into the eyes of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

She was a perfect height to fit against me. She was thin but strongly hinting at muscle in her legs and arms. Her skin was deep tan with a hint of red. Her hair was pitch black and long and straight all the way down to her lower back. It was currently in a braid and resting over her shoulder. Her eyes were the deepest ice-blue had ever seen. Her skin was clear, her chest healthily large, her body perfectly curvy. Why was it fare for such an amazingly beautiful creature to exist?

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