Gr-8 It's A Game Of Hide And Seek

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"Coffee's ready," Sanji said smoothly. Carry three trays of mugs and pots full of the caffeine bean juice. Sugar, creams and chocolate dust on the side. The crew gathered on the deck in a circle, sitting together while the chef handed out mugs to each crew mate.

Tani took a sip of the fully creamed and sugared monstrosity she called a coffee. It was warming her soul, providing a much needed comfort... That wouldn't last long.

It was about an hour before they were meant to land, when the sound of a balloon wheezing caught the attention of the crew. Nami was the first to notice, as clothing items and hair started floating upwards.

"Is it supposed to do that?" Usopp questioned. Looking up at the pink octopus that was deflating. The crew all looked at each other in shared confusion. They all knew that something was wrong.

"Prepare for a bumpy landing!" Nami yelled. Already running to the railing and looping her arms and legs around it. This caused a slight panic, specifically in the resident cowards.

Zoro held his arms out for Chopper to jump into, the reindeer already sobbing and running towards the towering, moss covered brick. Zoro gripped around the rail guard, unconsciously petting at Choppers fur to calm the little deer.

Robin stayed seated in her chair, still holding her book with a pleasant expression. Sanji stood beside her, offering himself for her to hold onto. She indulged in his offer, letting him hold her hand. It wouldn't do much if the ship just suddenly dropped but it made Sanji happy as a quokka.

Usopp though, being the man of surprises. Took on a brave face as he concocted a plan to slow the descent of the Merry. The boat was looking worse for wear, his hands flew to his bag and retracted with a handful of white dials. He turned to Tani and Luffy with a determined expression.

"We need to get these on the bottom of Merry." he stated, tossing a handful to Tani. "They all have a sticky side, just press it to Merry and they'll stay. Press the top of the dial so we can slow down our fall." Usopp instructed. Luffy took on a focused expression, for once he was actually listening to instructs? A miracle!

"Luffy, loop your arms around me and Tani. Tani I'm gonna need you to get the left side, while I get the ri-"

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" Tani shrieked. She had at least five dials in her hands, that's five too many. "Haven't I thrown myself off high surfaces enough in the last three days?!" she said pathetically. Usopp turned to Luffy, who shrugged in return.

Robin has entered the chat.

"If you don't do it Miss Bell, we will all meet a gruesome end. All our organs and bones crushed from the impact into fleshy pancakes." she said nonchalantly. Turning the next page of her book without missing a beat. Tani wanted to gag.

"Flesh pancakes, or jumping off a boat?" she weighted out her options and decided she wasn't feeling pancakes today. "Fine, let's do this," she said with a grumpy expression.

Luffy was quick to toss his arms around their waists. Usopp dived over the side with the grace of a swan. Tani was still a little nervous to actually move.

Robin has re-entered the chat.

The woman spawned an arm and pushed Tani over the edge, the younger girl let out a scream as she was tossed over. Luffy held her tight in his grip, stopping her at the correct length so she could apply the dials.

Usopp moved quickly, slapping the dials down and pushing on them at a speed that Tani wasn't capable of. She watched him plant his fifth dial before she'd even placed her second on. He turned to her and gave her a thumbs up before tugging on Luffy's arm and being pulled back up to the deck.

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