What Do You Mean There Are Things That Put Out Fires?! Of Course There Is!

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Tani was rudely awoken from her peaceful nap, by the sound of shouting and water splashing. Now that's to be expected since they're so close to the ocean all the time, but the splashing seemed different.

"What the hell?" Nami shouted from the other side of the ship. Tani propped herself on her elbows, looking in the direction of Nami. Nami was staring over the side of the boat, a look of annoyance and confusion present in her fair face. Sanji, Usopp and Luffy ran out of the kitchen and leaned over to see what she was looking at. Judging by the way Luffy's eyes lit up in excitement, Tani could only assume it was something interesting.

Ace lazily followed out the kitchen after Luffy started shouting in excitement to Chopper, requesting the little doctor to translate what the "Turtle seals!" were saying.

Tani sluggishly lifted herself off the ground and walked over to the commotion. It was exactly what she expected, a bunch of dugongs with turtle shells... Challenging the ship to a kung-fu fight, well that's what Chopper translated.

"Well if it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get," The captain declared, jumping off the ship and onto the rocky surface the turtle seals challenged him on.

Luffy swiftly beat them all up... Like really fast, because it's Luffy... This ended up causing them to now claiming him as their master, it was all quite humorous until they wouldn't leave the crew alone.

"Nami I think they're still following us," Usopp pointed from the railing of the Merry. Nami growled and stomped to stand beside Usopp.

"We can't take you with us," Nami tried to reason with the hoard of Luffy followers. They barked at her, Chopper turned to the group and translated.

"We can't leave without learning from master," he parroted. Nami felt her forehead hurt from all the tensing she made with her brow. Usopp pat her back with comfort. She sighed.

"Can we make a deal with them?" Nami asked Chopper. The reindeer asked the question to the kung fu turtle seals, they chirped back an answer that Chopper quickly relayed.

"Food, for all of them," he said swiftly. Nami called for Sanji, who ran out in a flash with hearts in his eyes.

"Yes my love?" he called, Nami gestured to the turtle seals.

"We gotta feed all of them, how full is the food supply?" she asked the chef. He held his head in his hands to think. They'd just had a big lunch (Thanks to Luffy and Ace being total bottomless pits) so they didn't have too much left in terms of long travel.

"We can make them a meal and still have enough left to last us about three days tops," he estimated, counting on his fingers. "Four days if we skip snacks," Sanji declared. Hoping Luffy didn't hear that.

"Well get to it, we don't have all day," Nami instructed. Sanji was quick to leave, preparing a meal for the Luffy followers. Tani snickered at the sight. This world for stranger and stranger... Speaking of strange.

Who would have thought she wasn't the only dimension traveller here. Granted it was likely, she wasn't some movie protagonist. That was more a Luffy thing if she thought about it. Back on topic... If Ace knows a traveller as well than it would be in Tani's best interest to talk with her. Maybe she can ask Ace for his partners number? Yeah she'll do that when she has the chance.

For now she was going to relax, the journey ahead was gonna be a tough one.


"Bye!" waved Luffy in farewell. Tani and a couple of other crew members waved as well. The kung-fu turtle dugongs swam away with a splash, leaving the straw hats and their tag alongs.

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