Shadow Of The Colossus, Now With Co-op

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(A/N: I am so sorry this chapter isn't great, it's literally all one big fight scene and I'm terrible at writing fights heggeehhe, the next chapter will be wayyyyyyyyy better! I promise. On with the show!)

The fight with Oars was about to begin, the straw hats (sans Luffy and Nami) were surrounding the courtyard that Oars was standing in. He hadn't seen them yet, still shouting for them to hurry up and fight him.

Tani was standing with Usopp, Chopper and Robin. They'd just left Perona's wonder garden, standing atop the castle boarder that surrounded the courtyard.

Zoro, Franky and Brook were sitting on the roof of a tower. The tower was built into the boarder, but it was too far of a run for Tani's group to attempt without being spotted by Oars first.

To the surprise of everyone, Sanji was on the ground floor. Hiding from Oars, waiting for the right time to strike. He wasn't aware that the others were present.

There's still no sign of Nami, maybe Sanji has her hidden, or she's hidden herself? Worst case scenario, she's still been caught by Abso-perv.

Luffy was also MIA, but the others had informed her that he was off fighting Moria. The current plan was to stall Oars for as long as possible, enough time for Luffy to knock Moria out.

Tani didn't know how useful she would be in a fight with Oars. At full force, with the stubborn determination of Luffy, and the strength of a giant. She wouldn't even last a split second. Her body was too squishy for this.

She stared at Oars, that confidence she had moments ago was gone. She'd found another pipe on the run over here. Honestly this place was littered with them! Though a pipe wouldn't be much against this Goliath...

Sanji had enough of waiting. Already frustrated that he'd lost Nami again, he needed to blow off some steam.

The blonde came flying from below, his leg blazing with an attack aimed straight for the zombies head. He was glowing with raw power, like nothing Tani had ever witnessed from Sanji before.

Oars swatted at him without batting an eye. His fist colliding with Sanji, sending him flying back towards the ground. Sanji landed with a smash, Tani cringed as her bones shook with pain. Oars lifted a leg up, positioning his foot for the downed Sanji-

"FIRE BIRD STAR!" Usopp shouted from beside Tani. Donning his Sogeking mask, he fired the flaming projectile at the zombie. Luffy never really did have an attention span... Wait a second.

Oars wasn't focusing on Sanji, but on Usopp. Oars wants to fight the straw hats, Tani is a straw hat, Usopp is also a straw hat. Tani is currently next to Usopp, who now has Oars attention...

Tani barely had time to react when a fist came flying for the spot that her group was. Usopp hooked an arm around her waist and jumped off the ledge. Robin and Chopper following close behind.

Tani felt... Hurt? Not physical pain (for once), but a sore spot in her chest. She hadn't known Oars for long, he's barely been undead for a couple hours. Yet? Seeing him so mindless, controlled by someone who sees him as a puppet? It's no better than that nasty Hogback bastard.

He called her pretty, and said she was nice. Of course she had a soft spot for him... Would he still remember her?

Oars turned to the building that Zoro, Franky and Brook were observing from. His giant form jumping in the air with one leg out.

"Gum gum sickle!" he called out, his leg smashing into the entire building. Blurs of colour only barely managed to dodge the blow. Chopper gasped.

"That's one of Luffy's moves. He still remembers Luffy's techniques." the little deer said with panic in his voice. Robin pet his head comfortingly.

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