Time Travellers Guide To Fixing Oda's Mistake

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(Art by my bestest friend in the whole world! Deckbird! He's not very active on social media right now, so I'll update this with a link to his work when I have that info;3)


Tani wandered the empty black void of her mind. How long has she been here? It feels like an eternity.

Images of Luffy's terrified face haunt her. The picking off of her crew, one by one, they vanished leaving nothing more than squashed grass.

She felt lost.

This wasn't what death felt like was it? She hoped not. This is boring, and lonely. Tani wanted to see the Sunny again, sail on the ship with her crew at least one more time.

Was the crew even alive?

Tani sat down in the darkness, curling into a ball and whispering to herself.

"This is all gonna be fine." she chanted, over and over, and over.

"We're all going to survive, and fond each other again." she promised herself.

"Everything will turn out just fine." Tani sobbed. Fat teats rolling down her cheeks as she clenched at her legs.

"Don't cry," she scolded herself. "Luffy would call you dumb for crying." yet the tears kept rolling.


"...-ke up,"

*tap tap*

"Ta-... Wak-... up,"

*clap clap*


Tani felt a slap to her cheek, the girl hissed with pain, grabbing the heated skin and rubbing the pain away. Her gaze focused on two figures, the smaller of which was telling the taller one off.

"You can't just hit people," the shorter one scolded. The taller huffed.

"Works on Ace, that bastard sleeps like a rock." the taller... Woman? Said.

"I know! That doesn't mean you can slap others." the shorter one spoke.

Tani opened her eyes, only to shut them quickly because of the midday sunshine. Easing herself into waking up, stretching and groaning at the ache of her body.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down," Tani felt a hand on her back, rubbing at it. "You've been sleeping for three days. You gotta take it slow,"

Tani opened her eyes, focusing on the faces of her company.

"Oscar?" the yawned. Staring at the marine cadet, who waved back at her.

"It's been a while," they grinned. "How are you?" they asked... Though their face said they knew exactly what she felt.

"Hurts." Tani motioned to her everything.

"Welcome to the club pal," the other voice groaned. Tani looked at her.

Dirty blonde hair tied in a messy bun on top of her head, with strands sticking out. A scowl on her face, arms crossed over her bikini clad torso, jacket on her shoulders doing nothing to hide her body.

"Trip?" Tani coughed. The girl softened her gaze at the sight of the younger girl.

"Nice to see ya again. Even if the circumstances are shit." the Whitebeard pirate greeted.

If Trip was here... Then-

"Where's Ace?" she asked. Causing Trip to scowl harder, gripping so hard at her arms that her long nails clipped the skin.

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