Why Am I On Some Wooden Ship In The Middle Of The Ocean

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Tanisha Lowe found herself in a situation that could have been totally avoided, but wasn't because she was a lazy teenage girl that would much rather put off such a boring task. After all, roller skating is so much cooler.

What's this current predicament you may be wondering? That our young heroine has wound up in? Well...

"This assessment will be one hour long, with fifteen minutes set aside for planning. No talking, no eating and no cheating," the history teacher droned. Tani sat with her pen tapping hard against the side of the small desk. She hadn't studied at all, and now she's got to recall events from the French revolution, to write an essay about it. Honestly she only remembered guillotines, the fall of Bastille, the word bourgeoisie because it was funny, and that the leader was called Lafayette. Other than that she was kinda stuck...

"Time starts... Now," and with that, the class was off. The smart kids powered through the essays, the average kids lagged behind. There were students who couldn't give any less of a damn.

Then there was Tani.

She spent about twenty minutes writing the essay, then she gave up and stared out the window to think about something more interesting than some old French dudes telling the peasants to chop off rich dudes heads.

Her mind wandered to something more interesting. Imagining herself running around with a rapier in hand while wearing a mask. Massive hat with three feathers and a wide brim bouncing on her head as she duels against the world's greatest musketeer. How they danced around the battlefield that consisted of stone walls and gorgeous ballrooms.

"Miss Lowe,"

She thrust the rapier forward, knocking her opponents weapon, out of his grasp.

"Miss Lowe,"

He gave a bow of the head, accepting defeat with the grace of a truly honourable opponent.

"Miss Lowe!"

A book thunked against the daydreaming girls head, she held the sore spot while members of the class giggled and laughed at her. Tani narrowed a glare at the teacher. She never liked the history teacher, a shame since she found history kinda interesting, if not a bit too glorifying of what the winners did. Learning about the American revolution was rather awkward, with all her classmates singling her out. Perks of not being barbie doll white, she guessed.

"I wonder if you actually did any work," the teacher sneered. Snatching the page from Tani's desk and slapping it onto the growing pile.

Tani crossed her arms and tapped her feet on the ground while waiting for the teacher to hurry up and dismiss them. She had a really delicious ham and cheese sandwich in her locker just begging to be eaten.

The teacher clacked the pages on her desk to neaten them up, her expression as bored as always. The class waited with baited breath, the bell would go off any sec-

The aged bell shrieked to life, masking the whoops of the students. Freedom had never tasted better. Students skidded from their seats and practically bolted for the door. Tani being one of those on the run. She wasn't the fastest but you can bet your ass that when a homemade sandwich is involved, she's gonna make a run for it. Mum does have this knack for making everything taste a million times better.

Tanisha Lowe may be a 17 years old girl, but her mum insisted on making her lunches. Who was she to deny her mother such a joy in life? Plus she would always write a sweet note in the container that held her delicious goodies.

She pushed herself through the ocean of students, her locker wasn't too far from the history room, she was also taller than most girls her age so she had a better view of where she was going.

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