Noah's Ark 2: Electric Boogaloo

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"Let's begin the culling shall we?"

Those words echoed back to Tani as she watched her friends, foes and this bastard stand off (though Enel was floating so is that a float off?).

Chopper clutched in her arms, Tani slowly stepped backwards. She wouldn't keep her eyes off of Enel. The man was far too dangerous, and she didn't think she'd be as lucky as the man struck by lightening 7 times, in terms of survival.

Then she heard it.

A bells singing called her. It wasn't the three that Zoro had on his swords, not the one Robin had dangling from her neck, not Chopper's which hung from his healthy antler.


This was Nami, who was shaking the bell as hard as she could when she caught sight of Tani. The tracker had to keep her smile from widening at the sight of the navigator. She didn't want to give away her nakamas presence.

"Who's it going to be? Which two of you will lose this survival game?" Enel chuckled. Tani found herself staring in awe at the sight of her companions plus Wyper, pointing their weapons at their common foe. Enel gave an eye roll, his hand curling under his cheek while he looked at them with boredom.

"Foolish mortals, you couldn't defeat me if you tried. I'm the only one who can guide you to Fairy Vearth, to salvation," he sighed. Bobbing in the air. Tani shuffled towards Nami while Enel looked away from her. She was going to hand Nami, Chopper so she could make a run for it. A feeling in Tani's gut told her that she had no reason to fear Enel's wrath.

"Take care of him," Tani whispered. Carefully exchanging the doctors care to that of Nami. The red head nodded. Her brown eyes screaming at Tani to not be dumb. Tani gave a nod and left her. Walking back to the semi-circle of people. Enel was still monologuing.

"People living in the sky? It's unnatural, mortals shouldn't be walking among the Gods." the god claimed. Eyes scanning them all, as if picking out who he's going to remove. "It's my duty to set the natural order," he smirked. Eyes landing on the twitching of Gan falls lance.

"You don't get to decide that!" Gan fall declared angrily, charging forward with his metal lance! Metal that conducted electricity. The man was as good as fried. Enel didn't even flinch, just lifting a finger and pointing a concentrated stream of electricity into the old man. He dropped down smoking and charred. Tani let out a strangled gasp, her hand covering her mouth to shut herself up. Enel turned his gaze back to her with a smug look.

"You should all be honoured that I'd even consider bringing you to the promised land." Enel boomed. He twirled a finger around one of his... Oh my lord are those his ear lobes?! Gross!

"One down, one more to go. Who's it going to be?" the electric demon questioned. He floated closer to the group. Robin straightened her back, taking on a nonchalant persona, though Tani could feel the tension in her voice, Zoro looked just as aware of this change.

"Kami-sama," she said gracefully. That was a title Tani had never heard of. Kinda sounded like something from Dragon ball... God? She couldn't remember it's been a while since she watched any of the episodes.

"It wouldn't be wise to destroy the sky islands, you still need the golden bell after all," she reasoned. Enel narrowed his gaze at her, floating close to her. His nose practically touching hers. Though she kept her cool. Tani and Zoro tensed up, ready to strike at the bastard if he laid a finger on her.

"You know," Enel said coldly. His fingers shot forward and wrapped around the woman's throat, Robin gasped and sputtered for air. Enel sent a powerful volt into her neck. Her body spazzed out, limbs twitching as she felt the electricity course through her body. Robin passed out before she could hear him finish. "I hate manipulative women like you," he snides before dropping her still twitching body to the ground.

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