Welcome To Jurassic Pa- Oh No Those Are Real Dinosaurs

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(A/N: hello! Just wanted you all to know that everything beyond this point, hasn't been tweaked just yet. If you find the writing quality has dropped, or the content contradicts the chapters before it. It's because I haven't gone over it yet :D

Thank you for understanding! I'm doing my best to get these fix ups done asap. Love you all, big smooches!!!)

"Marco!" Tani called out with a blindfold over her eyes, hands held out in front of her in search of her hidden friends. Stifled giggles and the shuffling of feet surrounded her.

"Polo!" Luffy called from behind her, as Usopp called from her left. She spun around to tap Luffy or Usopp but found empty air. Tani felt herself losing balance, flailing her arms in the air to hopefully hold onto some railing or the main mast... She ended up with her face smacking into the ground. She heard laughing (probably Luffy and Usopp) and couldn't help but join them.

Tani lifted the blindfold to be greeted with the held out hand of Luffy. She accepted his help, letting him pull her to her feet with little effort. The trio was breathless from all the laughing.

They'd been travelling towards the next island for a couple days. The amount of pent up energy in everyone was making the whole crew feel restless, so Tani introduced some games from her home. Playing Marco Polo out of water wasn't as fun, but when one of the members literally gets paralysed when up to his knees in salt water it's a little difficult... The whole devil fruit shebang is cool in theory, but exchanging the ability to swim and being a pirate just seems really, really stupid.

"Tani~" Tani turned to find a tray of drinks being presented before her, Sanji grinned at her as she took the closest drink and thanked him. The love struck chef twirled his way up the stairs chanting "Nami~ Vivi~" Tani couldn't help but giggle.

Turning to take a sip of her drink... She found it completely drained of the refreshing liquid. Slowly turning her gaze to the most likely culprit, her deadpan stare glaring deep into his guilt free eyes. Luffy was picking his nose like nothing had happened.

"Luffy, you best be sleeping with one eye open tonight because so help me I'm going to actually-" she threatened, only to have another drink replacing the empty one in her hands. A trail of smoke being the only evidence that the chef had been there. "You've been spared this time," she said with a straw in her mouth.

"Hey look at the duck go!" Luffy cheered. The crew turned to watch the giant duck that Vivi brought with her slurping down on a whole bunch of the drinks that Sanji had prepared. Why did he make so many? Then again... The straw hat captain crossed her mind.

Tani didn't watch for very long, the sight was kinda horrific in a sense, nobody should be drinking that much liquid... God have mercy on that birds bladder. Instead of watching, she opted to look out at the ocean in the hopes of finding the next island. She was ready to feel land again, the cramp little boat felt too restrictive.

Not even minutes after that thought an island filled to the brim with jungle and plant life came into view. Tani smiled and turned to her crew mates, waving her hand wildly to grab their attention.

"Land ahoy!" she cheered, feeling giddy at the fact she just said the most pirate thing she could think of at the time. Everyone looked away from the drinking bird and rushed to the edges of the boat to look at the incoming island in awe. "It looks like something out of an adventure movie!" Tani sounded excited, her very first uncharted island.

"Doesn't look like there's any towns we could restock our supplies with though," Nami said with a sigh of disappointment. Now that the crew had two new additions and didn't get the chance to restock at the last island because they were almost all brutally murdered in the dead of night. The crews food and water supplies were critically low. Tani felt like maybe it would be a good idea to invest in some water bottles for the crew.

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