Chapter 2 WHAT!

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Luk Brooks P.O.V.
Well we had finished doing/making the new video and I tell you what beau and jai just couldn't stop talking about that group of girls I mean yeah they were hot but..i don't know anyway jai and beau got the guts to go and talk to them well they didn't really they pretend to fall or trip into them or onto not sure but it got there attention pretty good.
"Luke have you edited the video yet!?!?"Beau shouted at me
"No I fucking haven't" I shouted back
"Boys language" mum called
"Sorry mum Luke's just getting angry" beau smiled evilly
"Sorry to interrupt your cat fight girls but have you seen my black jeans" jai asked
"No now both of piss-off....fuck" I mumbled
"Okay well I'm going to the park do any of you want to come" Jai asked
"Yea ill come" I said
"No you have you edit the video" beau said with anger in his voice
"No I'll do it later" I said and waved
"I tweeted about those girls at the shop" Jai said but I just rolled my eyes
"Really you did that.....what if we see them at the park" I gave him a evil grin
"Well that's when I will run away cause what do I say.... hi how is going remember me I knocked pyou over at shop no I don't think so
Sophie's P.O.V
When I got to Chelsea's house i was still shaking like so much cause of what happened.
"Oi Soph I'll be back I'm just going to tell my mum what happened do you want to come" she asked as she leaning against the door frame
"Yea sure" I jump up and we walk to the kitchen.
Chelsea's P.O.V
" hey Girls how was your day at the shops" mum asked as she was making dinner
"Ow you girls must of had fun flyboy like those boys to Soph...and do the other girls like them to" she ask Sophie b
"Yeah I like them and think Sarah dose to I'm sure on Chloe though" she told mum while rubbing her saw leg
Sophie's P.O.V
"I still can't believe what happened" I keep whispering to myself
"Dos you hahaha ho many times you have said that" Chelsea she as she looked up from her phone
"OMG!!!!OMG!!! Jai just tweeted 'saw the active girls at the shop today and I hope 1 day I'll see them again' OH MY GOD his tweet is about us" I just couldn't help I had to...i just jumped around screaming
"Let's go to the park" Chelsea said while putting her shoes on
"Okay" I say jumping off the bed "first one there gets to tweet Jai back....1...2...3...go!!"
Are you serious this is the second time I've tripped today and I don't if I can get up. I try to open my eyes they only just opened my eyes and saw Jai and Luke Brooks ahead and I could someone teeing to get me but I just couldn't.
"Sophie...Sophie can you here me...can you here me"I think it was chelsea
I slowly started to get up.
"Hahah are you tripped on a stocked and you were like knocked out for 20 seconds"she said while laughing a bit
"Okay well I think I win cause I fell over twice in one day" I said with a smirk
"Is that the brooks the twins up there"she pointed in their direction
"Yea it's them...what if they are going to the park aswell" I say with excitement in my voice
"Well come lets go up to them..OOh I got why don't we follow them" she suggested
"No they might think we are like creeps or something...we can go but not follow them do you know what I mean"I said looking over to the boys
"Okay I know what you mean" she said with a smile at the end.
Jai's P.O.V
"Hey Luke it's those girls From the shop that me haha and Beau ran into today"i said while smile and looking at them
"Jai shut up and just go and talk to them" he said so clam
"No.....and if was going to talk to them what would I say"
"I don't know maybe 'hey im so sorry for bumping into today at the shop today' you could say that and start a conversation with her"he said looking in the distance.
"Okay I'll do but will you come with me"i begged
"Okay" he gave in
"Well let's now then" I gave him hand gestures
We started walk towards them and I was shitting bricks.i could see that they were mucking around and dancing around with each-other and herd one of them laughing and Who ever it was the cutest,funniest laugh I have herd in my life.
Sophie's P.O.V
Me and Chelsea were dancing and mucking around. We herd some boys laughing and we turned around and saw..

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