I don't like fillers... but this is one... sort of

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I watched him hit the ground at such a speed that I wasn’t surprised by the sound that accompanied his crash. It didn’t affect me like my memories claimed it should. Some deep part of me stirred; it thrilled on the sound. Cassadrial went forward, exiting the cave and made his way towards Quinn’s mangled corpse. “I wish you had let me kill him.” I hissed, my tongue having difficulty managing the syllables without ripping itself to shreds against the spikes in my mouth.


“It was her kill.” he spoke, kneeling beside Quinn and examining him. “Now go get her.” he ordered without removing his gaze from the inert body.


Without a moment’s hesitation, my wings spread out behind me and I lifted off from the ground. I flew upwards until I reached the peak where Adrea had met with Quinn to bring him over to us. I landed on the edge, causing the tip of the cliff to break and almost sending an unconscious Adrea over the edge. I picked her up as humanly-soft as I could muster with this form and jumped back down to the ground.


Cassadrial stood waiting for me with Quinn’s body on his shoulder like a potato sac. “Why is she unconcious?” I asked as he started to make his way to his next destination and I followed behind.


He turned his head to look back at me, his eyes surveying my entire form before a grin spread on his face. “She is a caterpillar waiting to awake into the beautiful butterfly she will become.”


I followed Cassadrial in the shadows of the cliff for hours. As the sun dipped behind the cliff, he started shifting away from the cliff and towards the woods. Adrea had yet to wake and I knew Quinn would never be waking again. I watched his limp form bounce on Cassadrial’s back trying desprately to feel what my memories remembered of this man. But there was nothing other than the ever so slight tingling of satisfaction at seeing the trail of blood he created in the sand.


The moon had risen high in the sky when he finally stopped and tossed his load onto the forest ground. I did the same with Adrea, momentarily forgetting that unlike Quinn, she wasn’t dead.


“Follow that trail,” he stated and pointed in the vague direction of an underused path. “There’s a volcano at the end, you’ll most likely reach it by sunrise. Once there, toss her in.”


I stared blankly at him and looked down at the still unconscious girl whose chest was very obviously moving up and down with each breath she took. “Toss her in?” I asked, confirming what he was asking me to do.


“Yes, toss her in. I’m going to burry Quinn in that cave over there,” he pointed to a cave hidden behind a dense clutter of trees. “and then I will go out to gather us some food for your return.” and with that, he had grabbed Quinn’s feet and began dragging him away.


I looked down at Adrea for a moment again, finally a human emotion hit me and I found myself whispering a simple “Sorry,” as I bent down to pick her up again.



I hadn’t expected the very high pitched and short scream that came from Adrea once I tossed her into the angry lava. It did, however, please me very much. I stood still, looking down into the red bubbles for a long time before I decided to leave. I momentarily considered going back to Cassadrial by foot like I had come, but as I looked over the tree tops to the general area I was to return to, I decided to give these wings a test.

NaNoWriMo - November 2014Where stories live. Discover now