Into Kasharga's head... and a little dip into Adraxalun

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Everyday I fought to keep my hold onto whatever was left of my sanity. Or whatever was considered 'sane' for a demon. The days, weeks, months and years went by as the memories ate me alive from the inside out. Cassadrial had long since stopped giving me any attention when I mentioned the word memories. He had yet to tell me why I was cursed with the memories while Adraxalun and Qeno-Kailun were given their entity's essence with no hold backs.

Adraxalun and I were to remain by Cassadrial's side until he chose who would bindus. Qeno-Kailun, however, was free to roam around, awaiting the next idiot who tried to control the darkest forces in existence. And none of those comparisons came with an explanation. "Because I said so..." seemed like the best answer.

"I require two demons." the man who was currently kneeling before Cassadrial requested. His eyes glanced between Adraxalun and I before falling back to Cassadrial's feet. However, the glance did not go unnoticed..

"You require two demons. You would like the two at my side." the man kept his eyes to the floor, knowing better than to answer. "You know the cost for taking away my favorites." his mention of us being his favorites made me shudder.

"I would never be so bold as to demand your favorites." the man mumbled, unable to hide the deception in his voice.

Cassadrial let out a long sigh and leaned forward on his throne, placing his elbows on his knees and resting his chin in his cupped hands. "Would you be willing to pay the price to have them for your task?"

The man's head snapped up, his eyes glowing with the unspoken approval. Of course, anyone would pay any price to have what Cassadrial deemed the best. "Very well, then let us discuss the task you wish to assign to not one, but two demons. Now, speak."

"I leave to meet my future bride in two nights. My scouts claim that her father has recently bound her to a demon to protect her. I need these demons to take out her's so that, under no circumstance, she refuses me." the man explained, keeping his eyes straight on Cassadrial's. Only one glance was required however to see that the man was under some sort of compulsion. His eyes showed that he was oversharing what he really meant to share.

"Very well, then I shall give you my two favorites for a duration of three months. The price will be paid in full at the end of the bind whether you agree to it or not. It is already too late to back out, should you choose to turn and leave, payment will be taken in full the minute you step over that threshold." he tilted his head in the direction of the main doors with the last and once the man nodded his agreement, Adraxalun and I moved to link our arm into each of Cassadrial's as he stood, and accompanied him through the door to the right, that lead to the binding room. The man followed closely behind.


The sun had started to set on the third day of the journey when Adraxalun and I finally made out the first peak of the castle in the distance. "Do you know anything about the demon bound to her?" Adraxalun asked, contemplating her nails with a very bored expression.

His head swerved to look at her, seated to his right in the carriage. "Oh, uh... no, I am terribly sorry but I have not been made aware of the details." He turned to look at me on his left, "My scout never actually returned. I only recieved a messenger note. That is why I requested two... I have no idea what we may be up against."

Adraxalun and I nodded simultaneously and both slipped back into silence, but the man decided to continue with the broken silence. "Will one of you recognize the demon once we are there? Do demons all know one another?"

"So curious." Adraxalun turned in the seat and crossed her leg indian-style, facing him. I felt him shiver against me and smiled at the fact that he feared a simple position change from her. She noticed this too and with a smile that matched mine, reached out and dragged her finger tip over the man's lips, letting a layer of frost deposit there and sealing his lips closed. "But asking such personal questions will only bring you pain."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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