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*Allison's P.O.V*

"When do we get to leave?" I ask as I look up at the group of upside people. After slipping out of littlespace, I had found a pipe and climbed on to it, hanging upside down with my knees wrapped around it slightly.

"When the guards declare it's safe," Annabelle says as she looks up at me. "Get down from there and come cuddle," she says as she reaches for me. I glare at her and pull myself up to sit on top of the pipe.

"No thanks, I'm done with being touched," I say. I had spent about two hours cuddling with my mother and playing with her and another half hour nursing from Annabelle before falling out of littlespace.

"Well at least come down from there, you could fall," my mother says. I sigh and lower myself down, walking to the stairs. I lean against a chair.

"I want to leave," I say as I look at them. "Let me out," I pout as I star to slowly inch the chair over.

"No," Annabelle says, making me pout. "Now come back over here, I don't want you trying anything," she says.

"Try what? She doesn't know the code," Elena says.

"Yeah you're right. Don't these doors automatically lock once you leave?" I ask curiously, making myself look innocent.

"Yeah, why do you ask baby? Scared because Caspian left?" Elena says.

"Nope. Thanks for the info, I'm gonna go," I say as I start to back up the stairs, taking the chair with me. Annabelle gets up quickly.

"Annabelle, it's fine. She doesn't know the code," Elena says as she rolls her eyes.

"You and Abel's birth months and days added together," I say, still backing up the stairs. I had seen Caspian enter it in when we came into the room, it wasn't hard to memorize.

"Okay so she does know," Elena says. Annabelle hurries towards me, I push the chair over blocking the way and run up the stairs, typing in the code and running out, slamming it behind me. I hunch over, feeling the bullet wound burn.

"I'm fucked, so fucking fucked," I say as I lean down and check to make sure I still have my shard of glass in my dress fold.

I leave the room through a side hallway, following it as I walk. A thing of glass was just as useful as a blade any day, if you knew how much force to use, which I did. I mean I was a genius after all. I step out of the side hallway, looking around. I move quickly, my feet barely touching the floor with my swiftness.

I sigh in relief as I realize I was in the clear. I mean I knew I was, I was pretty sure that the guards were just cleaning up the major mess that the rebels had made when they died. I keep walking, planning on seeing the damage outside the castle. I smile as I keep walking, moving from side to side. A large hole in the wall makes me pause. I peek out of it curiously, my eyes widening at the burnt garden that was still kind of burning.

"Well lookie lookie," a man's voice says, making me spin around. I come face to face with my worst nightmare, pointing a gun at my head. So there were things worse than rebels out here, how wonderful.

"Matt," I say as I take a shaky breath, staring him in the eyes. "So you really did escape," I say with a frown on my face as I try to step forward.

"Get your ass back now," he orders, making me step back. "Good you still listen," he smirks slightly as his hand shakily holds the gun. "You fucking ruined everything," he states.

"How did I ruin everything?" I ask as I stare at him.

"You went to the window. People saw you. If they hadn't seen you then I would never have been arrested and spent years rotting away," he says as he glares at me. "And now I'm back for my revenge," he states calmly.

"None of what happened was my fault. You're the one that kidnapped me," I retort while glancing out the hole behind me. 'Would dying really be bad? Can't get a spanking if you're dead?' The thought hits me randomly and I have to fight back a smile. It was such a stupid thought to have in such a tense moment but I can't help that it popped up. 'No! That's not the way to think...although,' I correct myself before being snapped out of my thoughts.

"I did what I had to do. I should have drowned you when you were a baby and let your mother find you," he says, making my eyes widen.

"That's fucking dark," I say as I stare at him. His grip on the gun was shaky and it made me wonder if he would even be able to pull the trigger. I knew he knew how to shoot but a part of me wondered if he would even have the nerve to pull the trigger. My hand tightens around the shard of glass I had hidden, wondering if I could stab him before he shot me and I bled out.

"Shut the hell up! I'm going to kill you. You deserve everything that happened to you and now you're gonna pay!" He says as he raises his gun up more and seems to be trying to aim it. I close my eyes and try to gather my thoughts as I prepare to sidestep. A loud shot rings out and I twist away, waiting for the pain, only for it to never come.

I open my eyes and notice his body is laying on the ground with blood pooling around his head. I look up and see Tyler holding a gun in his hand. "You okay?" He asks as he drops the gun and approaches me.

"Yeah, yeah I am. Thanks," I say as I take shaky breaths. He grabs my arm and pulled me into a spare room, closing the door and looking around. He starts to barricade and I help him.

"That was...really hard to do," he says as he slid down to the floor. "I know he was a terrible person but he was still my dad...y'know?" He asks as he looks up at me.

"I know," I say as I sit down by him. I lean against him, resting my head on his shoulder. "He was a fucking awful person but he was your dad. I'm sorry you had to be the one to do it," I say.

"Yeah," he nods his head as he wraps his arm around me. "So how's life?" He asks.

"Okay. I've already been shot once today but you know I'm alive. Could be worse," I say.

"Yeah," he nods. A thought hits me and I tilt my head as I look at him.

"How did you get into the castle?" I ask curiously.

"There are a lot of holes in the castle walls and I was worried about you. So I decided to just climb through one and then search for you," Tyler says as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Thanks, it's nice to know you care. What a wonderful big brother you are," I say teasingly, making him roll his eyes and shake his head at my words.

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