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*Allison's P.O.V*

I have almost forgotten about how much trouble I am in as we walk back to the bedroom. That was until we get into the bedroom.

"Nose against the wall, now," Annabelle says, making me look at her in shock and surprise at her sudden order.

"Wh-," I start to say but was cut off by Maxon.

"You heard her, nose against the wall," he says, making me nod and hesitantly walk over, staring at the wall with my nose pressed against it. I wasn't going to admit it to them but the spanking I had earned earlier still stung even with the padding of the diaper. It feels like I am standing in the corner forever which I kind of wish is the punishment.

"Come here Allison," Annabelle says, making me turn around and hesitantly walk to her. She was sitting in her vanity chair. "Over my knees now," she says.

"Yes ma'am," I whisper as I lay over her knees, gulping as I feel her pull my skirt down. Her hands move to my diaper and she undoes the tabs. "I thought you wanted me to keep it on 'cause I was gonna be little after dinner," I say softly.

"You were going to and still can be little after your punishment," she states. "Hmm your bottom is still red from your earlier spanking," she notes, making me blush.

"What are you gonna do?" I ask as I feel one of her hands rest on my back.

"Well if your attitude during dinner wasn't a big enough clue that you clearly need a very firm spanking, I don't know what is," Annabelle says as I hear her pick up something off her vanity.

"What'd you just pick up?" I ask as I squirm slightly, feeling the hand on my back press down harder to keep me in place.

"A hairbrush," Annabelle says. "Simple device but leaves a much longer sting than a regular spanking. Hurts quite a bit more too," she states.

"Oh," I whisper as I shiver at the thought of it hurting more than the first spanking I had gotten. I had barely managed to keep my emotions in check then so I had no clue on how I would fair now.

"Now you are going to count each smack. If you miss one then that smack doesn't count," she states, making nod. I gasp at the pain as she brings down the hairbrush on my left cheek. It feels like in that one smack that she had just completely out done the spanking from earlier.

"One," I stutter out as I grip her dress with a small whine escaping me. She brings the hairbrush down again this time on my right cheek, making me writhe in pain.

"Two," I whimper as tears gather in my eyes. I sniffle as I try to get away from her hairbrush. "Owie it hurts," I whine.

"It's meant to," she says as she brings down the hairbrush down again, making me let out a choked sob as I whine softly.

"Three," I say as I sniffle, wiping at my eyes. I rub my face against her dress, feeling her hand on my back gently rub in small circles to offer comfort to me.

This went on til we reached ten and she gives me a small break. Her hand continues to rub my back. I hiccup as I look at her, letting her lift me up. I wrap my legs around her waist as I bury my face into her chest.

"Shh baby, it's okay," Annabelle coos as she rocks me slightly, her hand patting my back. Her words don't soothe me and in fact, I work myself up even despite her trying to soothe me so eventually Maxon takes me from her.

"Shh princess," Maxon coos as he lets me cling to him, carrying me to the bathroom. He soaks a washrag in cold water, startling me when he brings it up to my face and starts to wash my face off. It's so cold that it startles me out of my cries and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"Huh, doesn't that make your eyes feel better?" he asks as I move my hand to hold the washrag under my eyes, the coolness a relief to my burning eyes. I settle down in his arms, giggling when he pushes the cold wash cloth over my mouth so that I can't speak.

"Let's go see Anna," he cooed as he lifted me up, carrying me out of the bathroom and to the bed. He sat me on the bed. "I'm gonna go get something," he said before leaving the room.

"Darling, do you want a diaper or a pullup?" Annabelle asks.

"Diaper," I say as I sniffle softly, my nose feeling all stuffed up.

"Alright, that's fine," she coos as she goes and gets a diaper, bringing back a bottle of lotion too. She gently slips the diaper under me. "I brought some lotion to help with the sting," she says as she applies the lotion, being gentle and thorough at the same time. She tapes me up in the diaper before going to wash her hands as Maxon comes back into the room. I hadn't even noticed that he had left.

"I noticed that with the paci you have, you tend to chew on it when thinking or sometimes in your sleep," he says as he shows me a new paci that has frost on it. "So I froze one that you could chew on," he says as he hands it to me. I happily pop it in my mouth and give it a test chew, grinning when it stays firm between my teeth.

"Thank you," I smile as I reach up, him lifting me up and hugging me.

"You're welcome," he coos softly.

"Let's cuddle," Annabelle says as she comes back. "I know you need it after such a harsh punishment," she says as Maxon lowers me down. I nuzzle into Annabelle when she sits down as Maxon gently kisses my head before sitting down next to us, making me stick my tongue out at him playfully.

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