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*Allison's P.O.V*

I listen to Mommy's meeting since there isn't much else to do. They are all talking about boring stuff which holds no interest to me. Once I finish nursing, Mommy pulls her top back up and adjusts her bra before pulling the blanket off which bothers me but I choose to just lay silently against her.

When boredom finally manages to make me move, I grab onto the queen's sleeve and pull myself up. She gently pulls my hand off once I sit up, making me whine and use my other hand to grab her sleeve. She again pulls my hand off making me glare at her.

"Bored," I whisper to Mommy, making her look down at me. She shushes me as she pops a pacifier in my mouth which I almost instantly spit out onto her lap.

"Well I don't know what you want me to do, I'm in the middle of a meeting," she whispers, making me frown. She was my mommy, she was supposed to make me happy, not torture me with boredom.

"Play?" I ask as I sit up on my knees on her lap to make sure she has to look me in the eyes.

"Not right now Alli, later," she says as she pushes me back down into a normal sitting position.

"Now," I say, getting frustrated at her lack of response towards my boredom. I sit back up on my knees and huff as I lean my forehead forward so that our foreheads are touching. "Play," I repeat, pouting when she gently pushes me back.

"Stop it Alli," Mommy says as she stares down at me. "This is not okay behavior," she states so I glare at her.

"You're not okay behavior," I reply, making her raise an eyebrow. "I want to play and you won't play with me," I huff as I narrow my eyes.

"I will play with you but I'll do it later," the queen sighs. "Please behave so mommy can pay attention to her very important meeting or else I'll take you to spend the rest of the day with daddy," she says.

"I want to play now," I state as I rest my hands on her shoulders. "Now play," I order, only planning on letting go when she agrees to play.

"Allison I am having enough of this," the queen says, sounding frustrated. "Now behave," she says as she pushes at my hands gently only for me to squeeze her shoulders as I tighten my grip.

"I. Want. To. Play," I state clearly as I stand up on her throne and move to stand on one of the arm's much to Mommy's displeasure. I start trying to climb to the top of her throne only to be pulled back down by Mommy.

"This is your last warning little girl," she says, sounding upset which only makes me stick my tongue out and climb back onto the arm of the throne. "Don't you dare," she says as she stares at me while I slowly try to climb and go back to climbing up her throne. When I feel her hand grab my leg and pull me back down onto her lap, I simply huff and look down at my lap. She grabs my chin with two fingers and lifts my head up, making me make eye contact with her. I try to squirm away to get back on the arm of the throne.

"Enough!" Mommy says, raising her voice slightly which makes me freeze. Her raising her voice was enough to bring tears to my eyes which she doesn't seem to notice as she brings my face closer to hers. "You will stop it right now. You're being very bad," she says, which makes me suck in a sharp breath as I sit still.

Her raising her voice only a little bit was enough to make me lose any happiness and idea of play but when she said I was being bad, it twisted a knife into my chest and made me slip out of littlespace so quickly. She had basically said I was bad. 'I'm a bad girl,' I think as tears stream down my face. I look around, noticing the people in the meeting room are her council and they aren't giving me happy looks at all. A soft sob escapes my lips as I push the queen's hand away and slide off her lap before running out of the room.

'I'm bad. She said I was bad,' was the only thought echoing through my brain as I ran through the hallways, going back to the room I knew as a safety spot. I entered the king and queen's bedroom, shutting the door and looking around for a place where I could be. I settle on hiding under their bed, hiccuping as tears slide down my face.

Even though I am not in littlespace, that word has such a strong effect on me. I whimper as I curled up in a ball under their bed, knowing they wouldn't think to look here. 'I'm bad. She's not gonna want me anymore,' I think numbly as I wipe at my cheeks roughly in hope of getting myself out of a numb spell. It doesn't work, I don't feel any pain no matter how hard I wipe my cheeks.

'Screwed up another great thing again. Good job Allison,' I think to myself as I lay there, placing my hand on the floor and inching it along slightly so I could have something to stare at while thinking.

I had been called many things throughout my life, words much worse than bad. It shouldn't have this effect on me but it renders me feeling helpless and alone. Was what Mister said true? It feels like it is, I can feel his hands squeezing my arms as he calls me bad. His hands around my throat when I try to fight back. A sob escapes me as I curl up, trying to protect myself from the invisible hands that seem to still choke me.

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