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*Annabelle's P.O.V*
I stare down at Allison, watching her color as she leans up against me. It felt good to actually have someone that could use this playroom for once. I had never felt this attached to any other little one I had met and even if Allison never regressed, nothing would change how I felt about her.

I really hope she enjoys it here because at the end of this month I don't think I'll be able to let her go so quickly. I would if she truly did wish to leave but a selfish part of me felt that I would never fully be able to let her go, at least not emotionally.

I brush the thought of her leaving to the back of my mind. It was still there throughout the day, even as we eat dinner later that day, especially when she pouts over her having food cut up by Maxon. I knew he'd gotten as attached to her as I have even if their time together was shorter. I knew she was doing wonderful for her first day. I did want to make an offer though, just to see what she would be okay with. That night as we were getting ready for bed, I took my chance.

"Allison sweetheart," I say, glancing down at her. "I know you're a big girl but maybe you should wear a pullup incase of an accident," I suggest. Her cheeks darken immediately and she refuses to look me in the eyes after I say that.

"I don't need a pullup, I'm an adult," she objects quickly as she crosses her arms.

"Alright darling, it is totally your choice. You can choose whether to wear one or not, " I inform her as I offer her the pullup. She takes it and I can see her biting her bottom lip as she feels it. Her cheeks suddenly darken and I can see that she has made a decision.

"Mmm fine," Allison pouts. "I'm putting it on by myself," she says. She grabs it and heads to the bathroom. When she comes out, she is waddling slightly. Like she is still trying to get used to the feeling. She was a lot more accepting than I thought she would be for someone so new into regressing.

I couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable she is. She is wearing one of my nightgowns which absolutely swallows her small body and the pouting over the pullup convinces me that there is no way that she won't regress, even if it is only a little bit.

I pick her up, resting her against my hip. Allison squeaks, clearly not used to being picked up. I smile down at her and kiss her forehead, chuckling when she hides her face against my shoulder. "Such a shy one huh?" I ask as I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not shy, you just embarrass me," Allison huffs as she lifts her head up slightly to look me in the eyes.

"You don't even know how much I could embarrass you," I tease her as I tap the tip of her nose with my finger, making her nose wrinkle up.

"Doesn't matter, wearing a pullup is embarrassing," she murmurs while resting her head on my shoulder.

"Not as embarrassing as if I had put you in a diaper," I tease, patting her bottom which makes her whine and squirm. "Oh hush darling," I sigh as I lay, rubbing her back gently. "I know you're a big girl, this is just a precaution," I whisper.

"Promise?" She asks, looking up at me with suspicion in her eyes.

"I promise," I smile down at her as I adjust her so that she is resting next to me. She automatically presses her face against me, sighing contently as I start to hum a lullaby while gently scratching her back.

After a few moments, I can tell she had drifted off to sleep. She falls asleep so quickly yet seems to wake up just as quickly. "I expected more of a fuss from you," I sigh as I scoot away from her slightly so I can finish getting ready for bed. "Goodnight my baby," I whisper as I kiss her cheek.

"You really have missed this," Maxon says quietly as he sits down on the opposite side of Allison.

"Yeah," I smile softly as I comb my fingers through Allison's hair. "You know how much I love being a caregiver," I whisper.

"That I do. After our last little one, I didn't think I'd ever see this side of you coming out again," He sighs as he glances down at Allison.

"She's different, Maxon. Alli is so different and a part of me knows she needs this," I admit with a small sigh.

"I think you both need this. You need someone to heal your heart after what happened and she needs someone who will protect and love her," Maxon states as he reaches over and touches my cheek, brushing his thumb across it. "I know you agree with me even if you won't admit it," he chuckles as he taps my cheek with his thumb.

"You are right, I will not admit anything to you," I smile as I pull Allison closer. I rub her back as I wrap my arms around her. "Sleep tight my princess," I whisper as I close my eyes, listening to the steady sound of her breathing. I can feel myself drifting off to sleep and I hope that Maxon will at least try to take the rest of my makeup off so that it won't get all over the pillows.

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