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*Allison's P.O.V*
I spent a while lounging around with Elena and Celestria. They give me a piece of chocolate every once in a while when I ask. When Elena goes to move her arm she accidentally elbows my forehead.

"Fuck," I whisper as I rub my forehead.

"Are you okay?" Elena asks as she frowns and checks my head for any marks.

"Yeah, it just hurt," I murmur while squirming away.

"Are you sure darling?" Elena asks and I nod my head.

"It just hurt," I mutter.

"Alright," Elena says as she finishes checking me over.

"Watch your language little one, I know it hurts but let's try and keep the swearing to a minimum," Celestria says and I pout as I nod my head after a moment.

"It was an accident," I inform her as I sulk slightly. It had been an accident, I hoped I didn't get in trouble for it.

"I know darling and I know what your rules say so that's why I just reminded you to keep it to a minimum," Celestria coos as she pulls me close, kissing the top of my head. I giggle slightly before squirming away, moving to stand up on the bed.

"Sit down," Elena says as she raises an eyebrow when I bounce slightly.

"You're going to get hurt Allison, jumping on the bed is not safe," Celestria scolds. I roll my eyes at her words, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I won't get hurt," I state as I continue to bounce. I hop from foot to foot, giggling slightly as I drop to my knees and then bounce back up.

"Allison, get off the bed or you're going to get in trouble," Elena informs me and I huff as I look at her.

"Nu uh," I shake my head in response to her words which are just wrong. I was never going to get in trouble, no one would ever punish me. Most certainly not my Grammy and Nanny, I was just a baby and they couldn't punish me.

"Allison, your mommy is not going to be happy that you aren't listening to us. We are telling you to stop jumping on the bed," Elena says and I roll my eyes.

"Nu uh, mommy will not be mad," I respond to them as I huff.

"Yeah huh," Celestria says as she and Elena share a look. They don't say anything else, just watching me bounce up and down. At one point, my foot kind of gets tangled in the blanket but I manage to free it.

"See I'm fine, I'll never get hurt or get in trouble," I taunt them, putting my hands on my hips. In my excitement to taunt them, I fail to realize that they're not the only ones in the room. I squeak when I feel a hand grab my arm and I look at the hand, my eyes trailing up the arm to see a not so happy Annabelle.

"Is that so?" Annabelle asks and I bite my bottom lip, looking at her hand on my arm as I stop jumping.

"Hi," I say nervously, debating on trying to escape her grip and run off. I wiggle my arm experimentally but her grip is secure on my arm so I just stand there.

"Off the bed," Annabelle says and I drop down, sitting on my bottom before scooting off the bed. I briefly consider jumping off the bed but I think that might make Annabelle even more mad at me.

I bounce my foot nervously as Annabelle looks to Celestria and Elena. I see her eyes narrow slightly as I try to shift away from her but she doesn't say anything.

"Don't look at us, we told her not to jump on the bed," Elena says as she leans back on the bed, closing her eyes.

"Is that true?" Annabelle asks as she looks at me. I purse my lips at her words, pretending to think.

"Maybe, I mean I don't really remember," I say slowly as I use my free hand to stroke my chin like I'm thinking very seriously.

"Allison," Annabelle's tone sounds so stern and sharp that I drop my hand, bowing my head slightly.

"Yeah, they told me not to jump on the bed," I mutter, refusing to look at Annabelle.

"So you were told not to do something and then you decided to do it anyway?" Annabelle asks and I nod my head, not feeling up to speaking. I feel like I'm going to be ill. It's only fun to misbehave when you're not getting in trouble for it.

"Well then little one, I think you know that means you are in trouble," Annabelle says and I nod my head, keeping my head bowed.

"Go stand in the corner Allison, I will tell you when your time is up," Annabelle speaks and I slink away once she lets go of my arm, heading to the nearest corner. I try to stand in the corner but also not really stand in the corner at the same time. I try to stand so that I can sneak peeks at Annabelle.

"That is not how you stand in the corner little miss Allison," Annabelle says as she glances at me and I avert my gaze. I press into the corner as she walks over, pouting when she turns me so that my nose is against the corner.

"I won't jump on the bed anymore, don't make me stand in the corner," I whine as I try to turn to look at her.

"No Allison, you misbehaved knowing that you would get in trouble so you are now in trouble and you will stand in the corner until your time is up," Annabelle says and I stomp my foot, huffing when she walks away. I don't turn around though since all she'll do is turn me back around.

Timeouts were the stupidest thing ever. I mean whoever had invented them is so mean. I hadn't even done anything that wrong, all I had done was jump on the bed. Sure it was a little dangerous but I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

The more I stood there and thought about it though, the more I decided that I shouldn't have jumped on the bed. At least not while there were people watching. I would just have to start doing it in secret to avoid being in trouble over it.

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