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*Allison's P.O.V*

I nuzzle into my mother as I stare up at her, smiling softly. Her hand moves through my hair, gently combing it back with her fingers.

My spell of calm and quietness was broken by the sound of a familiar meow. I sit up, looking around for the kitten I know and love. Navi hops up on the bench, walking over to me and rubbing across my leg before climbing on my lap.

"Who brought that thing down here?" Daddy asks. "I was trying to get rid of it," he mutters, making me look at him with wide eyes. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not but I didn't like it either way.

"Maxon! You were the one who got her the kitten," Mommy says as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Yeah and? It scratched me," Daddy says as he rolls his eyes. Well his stupid stubble scratched my face sometimes so maybe we should get rid of him.

"My cat," I say as I pick Navi up, my mother making sure that I was holding her correctly and adjusting my grip slightly. She just didn't understand that Navi likes being held like a baby.

"I brought the cat into your world and I'll take it right back out," Daddy says as he walks over and stands in front of me. I raise my leg up and kick him straight in the crotch.

"I'll take you out," I murmur as I curl up with Navi. Everyone looks at each other with wide eyes and Mommy was laughing softly.

"Normally I'd scold you but you did good protecting your kitten Alli," Mommy says as she approaches and kisses my forehead.

"Oof that looks like it hurt," Abel says as he looks at Daddy who was laying on the ground curled up in pain.

"My kitten," was all I say as I look up at my mother.

"I see that that's your kitten. She looks very sweet," my mother says. She gently pets Navi who purrs softly and leans into her hand.

I look at her hand and watch her pet Navi. "Okay enough," I say as I push her hand away with a frown. She laughs softly as she nods and just rubs my back instead. I kissed Navi's head, making her meow softly. She was my kitten and she loved me more than anyone.

"You okay now?" Elena asks as she looks down at Daddy.

"No," Daddy mutters as he slowly pulls himself up, sitting on the bench. "I'll remember this," he mutters as he looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"And?" I asked. "You're not scary. Mommy is the scary one," I say. Mommy smiles as she reaches over and tickles my uninjured side, making me giggle softly.

My mother watches us with a small smile, her eyes watering slightly. "Who's that?" Mommy asks softly as she gestures to my mother. I turn to look at her better.

"Annabelle, is that nece-" my mother starts to say.

"Mama," I say with a small smile, making her look down at me.

"What?" She asks as Navi hops off my lap and onto the floor.

"You're mama," I say, making her shake slightly as she wraps her arms around me, holding me as tightly as possible. I think she's crying but I can't see if she is so I just have to assume.

"I didn't know how much I needed that," she mutters as she holds me close. Tears were trickling down her face, now I knew that because they were hitting the top of my head.

"Don't cry mama," I say as I reach up and touch her cheek. "Don't be sad," I mumble.

"I'm not sad, I'm happy. So happy," my mother says as she smiles. She kisses my forehead. "Hey baby, who's that?" She asks. I turn to look at who she was pointing at and smile when I see my father.

"Dada," I say as I grin at him. He walks over and leans down, kissing my cheek. "Eww cooties," I giggle as I try to wipe it away as quickly as I can.

"Oh so we're back to the cootie thing?" Elena asks, making me nod my head.
"Last time I checked I thought it was your mommy who had cooties," she says with a small smile.

"She does. So does daddy and dada. Only mama doesn't," I say cuddling into my mother who held me close.

"Rude," Mommy murmur, making me giggle softly. "I guess you don't want your paci then," she shrugs as she puts it in her pocket.

"No, I wants it. Gives it now please," I whine as I sit up, staring at Mommy with a pout.

"Fine," Mommy chuckles as she pulls the pacifier out of her pocket and hands it to me. I wipe it off on my mother's dress.

"No cooties anymore," I say as I smile softly. I pop my pacifier into my mouth and suck on it, laying back down. Well trying to. It's hard to lay down when your head is resting on someone's chest.

"Rude, I didn't want cooties," my mother says, making me shrug.

"Okay, I didn't ask," I say and she shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "Rude," I said as I frown since it was very hard to nap with someone moving around.

"Oh I'm rude now?" My mother asks as she frowns and looks down at me. I nod as I smile up at her, sucking on my pacifier as I giggle.

"Very rude mama," I say, making her smile and kiss my cheek. I nuzzle into her slightly.

"I don't think I'll get used to being called that," my mother says as she smiles.

"I take it that it makes you happy?" Mommy asks.

"It makes me elated," my mother says. "I've always wanted to get to just cuddle with my baby," she murmurs softly as her fingers run through my hair.

"Well I want you to know, you're experiencing one of the few moments this little one isn't getting in trouble," Mommy says. I sit up and stare at her.

"I'll shows you trouble," I say, lunging towards her, my mother keeping her hands wrapped around me and pulling me back. It kind of aggravates my injury so I just let her pull me back.

"Shh baby, calm down and just cuddle with mama," she murmurs, making me huff and lean back into her with a small pout on my face.

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