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*Allison's P.O.V*
I spent a little while lounging in the bedroom, curled up on the bed with the kitten. It surprises me that while Council time, which is what I was calling the time I had spent in the council room, had seemed long it had really only gone on for half a day. Turns out my time telling skills are not great, but to be fair time had numbers in it and I just don't like numbers. Well more accurately I hate them and wish they would die in a fire, but you know, it is what it is.

"What are you thinking about?" Annabelle asks as she smiles down at me. She was currently sitting in the bed reading while I was cuddling Navi. Well when she was on the bed I cuddled her. She didn't stay on the bed much though.

"About how bad numbers are. Especially when people feel the need to count them out loud," I say pointedly as I turn over to look at her after Navi leaves me once again.

"Hmm well then maybe I'll have to start counting out loud more often," Annabelle states.

"What? No fair. It's something I don't like and you said you wouldn't do something I don't like," I whine as I purse my lips in a pout.

"Do you have a fear of numbers now? That is the only reason I will stop using them," Annabelle states as she pulls me closer.

"You're so mean," I whine as I rest my head on her leg.

"Oh yes I am so mean. It's not like I feed you, clothe you, or cuddle you,"Annabelle says sarcastically as she rubs my stomach which earns a small smile.

"Yeah, I know. Honestly, I'm just so neglected here," I say as I close my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure," the queen chuckles. "Now take a nap darling, I'd hate for you to be fussy later," she says as she continues to rub my stomach.

"Okay, goodnight," I murmur as I cuddle into her as best as I can.

"Goodnight baby," Annabelle states as she kisses my forehead. I sigh contently as I fall asleep, hearing Annabelle read the magazine quietly.

When I wake up it is clear that I am alone. Annabelle not being right beside me bothers me so I figure I would go look for her. I shift in bed, moving to get up when I feel a peculiar wetness clinging to my dress.

I look down at my dress, noticing that it is wet around my crotch. I look back at the bed and suck in a small breath as I stare at the wet spot. 'No, no. This can't be happening, I'm not a baby,' I think as I take quick shallow breaths.

"Allison, are you okay?" I hear Annabelle's voice and my head snaps up as I stare at her. I was still taking quick breaths as I glance at the wet spot on the bed which she seems to notice now.

"Ohh baby, did you have an accident?" She asks as she approaches me. I duck past her and run into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me and sinking to my knees.

"Allison," I hear Annabelle's voice from behind the door. "It's okay baby, accidents happen," she says softly.

"Not to me they don't," I whisper as I start to cry. My eyes burn from the tears but wiping them away only irritates them more. I feel overwhelmed with what is happening and I try to calm down but I keep choking on every breath I take.

"Sweetheart accidents happen to everyone. Maybe it was preventable, maybe it wasn't," Annabelle informs me. "I think your body finally relaxed when you were asleep causing you to wet yourself. You've been carrying tension for days and I can feel it when I carry you," she informs me. "Maybe you finally realized you were safe with us," she states.

I pause as I try to consider what she is saying. I had grown close to them over the past week and before I had taken a nap, it had kind of settled in that I was safe with the king and queen around. "Maybe you're right," I admit.

"Yes, well I do tend to be right most of the time," Annabelle chuckles. "Now can you open the door for me baby?" She asks. I stand up reluctantly, turning and opening the door slightly.

"It's open," I declare, peering at her through the small crack.

"Can you open it more?" She asks, making me open the door about a centimeter more. "Alright silly girl since you don't wanna open the door all the way, how about I go get a change of clothes for you while you get in the bath," she suggests. Since I am feeling slightly better now I agree.

When Annabelle comes into the bathroom I am in the tub, still dressed with no water in the tub. "You just said to get in the bath," I say dryly as I shrug.

"I swear you are Maxon's child. And by Maxon's child, I mean if Maxon and Maxon had a child," she huffs as she has me stand up in the tub and helps me strip down. She puts the dress and panties I had been wearing down a laundry chute.

"I'm fabulous so maybe I am his child," I smirk at Annabelle as she rolls her eyes.

"Sure baby, whatever you say," she shakes her head as she starts the water, making sure it is warm but also making sure it's not too warm.

"I do say," I state as she helps me sit down in the water. She pours some soap in the water causing bubbles to form.

"Good for you," Annabelle says. "Look, how about I go get you a bottle that you can enjoy while taking your bath?" She asks. I nod my head having grown pretty attached to having a bottle of milk.

"Alright, I'll be right back baby," Annabelle promises as she kisses my forehead and straightens up, leaving the bathroom.

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