The start of something new

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*Allison's P.O.V*

Annabelle gently pulls back after a moment as she cups my face with her hand. "Now, I suppose we should get started," she smiles softly at me.

"How do we even get started with something like this?" I ask the question, curious as to what she wants to do.

"Well first I would like to get you some clothes that fit you properly," Annabelle stands. "Come on, I will have to talk to a seamstress about a few custom fits for you little one," she helps me up.

"Okay," I nod my head, blushing as Annabelle grabs my hand gently, leading me out of the room. "Will it take long?" I ask curiously, glancing up at her.

"For the outfits it will take a little time but not much. I'll be leaving you with some very special people who will watch after you," Annabelle says, making me pull away from her slightly.

"You're leaving me already?" I ask with a small frown on my face. I didn't like when people left me.

"Only for a little bit, I promise as soon as I finish talking to the seamstress I will come get you," Annabelle promises as she crouches down to make eye contact with me.

"Okay," I nod my head as I nibble my bottom lip. Annabelle makes a small noise of disapproval that catches my attention.

"That's a bad habit of yours huh?" Annabelle asks, making me stop with a small nod. She chuckles and guides me to a large set of double doors. "Now be on your best behavior," she says softly as she opens one of the doors.

The room was immaculately clean. It was obviously a lounging area from the large sofas that decorated the room. There was also a table that was surrounded by high up chairs and two of those chairs were occupied by two women. Both turn around when the door opens, making me shrink into Annabelle's side at the realization of who they were.

One of the women was a dark haired brunette with green eyes. Her face was heart shaped and her eyes were piercing. Her lips had smile lines at the corner of them. She was wearing a dark blue pantsuit that hugged her body close. I knew that this was Queen Annabelle's mother, the matriarch of the Holfin family, Celestria Holfin. I only knew that because she was always out and about so I had seen her before.

My gaze flickers to the next woman. Her hair was fiery red and she had deep steel blue eyes that shimmered in the light. She had a darker complexion but it was lightened by the white dress she was wearing. She had frown lines at the corners of her lips, showing how rare smiles were. Maybe even more intimidating than Celestria was the retired queen and the mother of King Maxon, Elena Capell.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Elena asks as she raises an eyebrow.

"I need you to watch this little one for me," Annabelle says, nudging me forward, making Elena and Celestria's gaze flick to me. I shrink back, trying to hide behind Annabelle.

"Is she at risk for running?" Celestria questions. She seems curious as to why Annabelle has brought me to them.

"No, no. Nothing like that. She has agreed to test out being mine and Maxon's little one and I was hoping you two could watch her while I order custom things from the seamstress," Annabelle explains, her hand running through my hair.

"Ooh you know I love watching little ones," Celestria says as she smiles. "Don't you need her measurements though?" she asks.

"No, I already had them taken," Annabelle explains as she looks down at me. Are you fine with staying here?" she asks as she looks down at me. I just choose to cling to her instead of answer.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of her," Elena says. I whine softly as Annabelle frees my fingers, which are clutching on to her dress, crouching down to my level.

"You can come with me if you really want darling but I don't think you will like standing around while I talk to the seamstress," Annabelle says. I have to admit that she has a point so I reluctantly step away from her. I pout as she leaves, crossing my arms over my chest. I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder, spinning around to see who has touched me.

"Easy darling, I didn't mean to startle you," Elena says softly. I stare at her with wide eyes, stepping away when offers me her hand. "Darling, can you go sit at that table?" she asks as she looks to the table that she had just been sitting at. I reluctantly make my way over there, trying to get into one of the tall chairs. I have to try a few times but I eventually manage to climb into the chair. I turn around to face the two women at the same time, trying to keep an eye on both of them.

"What's your name, little one?" Celestria asks with a small smile. She seems friendly enough but you can never be too sure about people.

"A..Allison," I murmur, looking more at her than Elena since she was the one talking to me.

"That's such a pretty name," Celestria coos softly. I shrink down slightly at her words, feeling my cheeks heat up. "It suits you perfectly. A pretty name for a pretty little girl," she says, making me hide my face into my hands.

I hate how small her words make me feel. It wasn't fair! I also didn't like their stupid chairs. Why was everyone so tall? It had to be some type of magic! "'M not pretty," is all I can say, not used to being complimented by anyone.

"Yes you are darling. You are very pretty," Elena cuts in. She seems pretty sincere but I'm not sure that I trust it. It could just be a trick.

"Can I have something to drink?" I ask quietly, trying to change the subject as best as I can.

"Of course darling," Elena says with a small smile as she gets up to get me something to drink. I watch her curiously, pouting when she gets a sippy cup down from a cabinet.

"I don't want a sippy cup, those are for babies," I murmur with a small frown on my lips.

"If I give you a glass can you promise not to spill it?" Elena asks as she turns to look at me. I shrink under her gaze, knowing that I would probably spill whatever she gave me for sure.

"This table cloth is very pretty," I say instead of answering, tracing the little cut outs of the flowers. They are very pretty to look at. It was just a plus I could change the subject instead of answering her question.

"I think that is a no," Celestria says and I glance up at her, pouting. I couldn't believe she would say that. I hadn't answered which meant that it certainly wasn't a no, it just wasn't a yes either.

"I didn't say no," I say with a frown on my lips.

"You didn't say yes either," Elena points out as she walks over to the table, setting the sippy cup down in front of me. There's red liquid in it and I stare at it curiously.

"Is this blood? I can't drink blood. I'm not a vampire," I inform Elena who rolls her eyes.

"I would not be giving you blood, little one," she scoffs. "It's fruit punch," she says, making Celestria give her a dirty look.

"Annabelle is going to kill you if she gets a sugar high," Celestria states.

"It's called revenge Celestria. And it's well deserved," Elena states with a small smirk. I just stare at the two of them for a moment before taking the sippy cup and taking a sip of it.

It was so good! This was the best thing ever. I am never going to drink anything else ever again.

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