Unforgettable Love Story.

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Ben walked off the ship carrying you on his back, you kissed his neck and buried your head in the crook of his neck. As you admired Bespin, you heard a very familiar voice approach you both.

"Emperor and Empress, you have finally arrived!" Lando said as you hopped off Ben's back and practically ran into his arms.

"Lando, thank you so much for everything you did back at Exegol, I don't know how to thank you enough." you said.

"Anything for the most beautiful Empress of the galaxy." Lando said as he pulled away and kissed your hand causing you to blush. Ben rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Alright, alright Lando, if you don't mind I'd like to take my beautiful wife to the apartment and then take her to dinner?" Ben said as Lando let go of your hand and you walked over to Ben.

"The apartment still has the same code, and dinner can be served in the apartment if you'd like?" he asked Ben as he nodded.

"Okay, I will tell them to serve dinner at the apartment, until then make yourselves comfortable!" Lando said as he walked back into the building he came from.

"You have an apartment here Ben?" you asked as he grabbed your hand and walked with you into the building Lando went into.

"Technically it was my parent's apartment but Lando would let me stay there when I needed to get away from the First Order and from Snoke." he said as sighed.

"oh, I'm sorry for bringing that up." you said quietly as he stopped you both in the middle of a hallway and grabbed your chin to look at him.

"Don't apologize for wanting to know more about me alright?" he says as he plants a soft kiss on your lips causing you to smile.

He grabbed your hand again and you both walked towards the apartment. He typed in a code and the door slid open. You were met with this beautiful white room with windows surrounding you and all white furniture.

"This is beautiful Ben." you said in awe as you went up to the window that overlooked all of Bespin.

"Lando is pretty amazing when it comes to decor and interior design." he said as he came up behind you and hugged your waist.

"Thank you for taking here Ben, it means so much to me, kriff, it means the whole galaxy to me!" you said as you both chuckled and stood their admiring the view a little longer. 

You felt complete being with Ben. You had waited years to be with him, you saw him turn to the dark side, you saw him take countless lives, but you were able to change him. You were able to bring him back to the light. You knew it was worth it enduring all the pain caused during your relationship because you two were now married and already planning on having kids.

"Ben?" you say as he looks down at you and says,

"Yes princess?" 

"What names do you have in mind for our children?" you look up and ask him as he smiles and looks back at the window and answers,

"Well for a girl, I was thinking Sora, and for a boy maybe Luca?How about you?" he says as you smile.

"For a boy I was thinking Percy, and for a girl I was thinking Lani." you say as he nods his head in agreement.

"I know this is a touchy subject but did you choose Percy because of the royal guard that loved you?" Ben asked as you nodded your head and tears formed in your eyes. You missed Percy but you knew you could see him whenever. Ben wiped the tears forming in your eyes and smiled. 

"C'mon princess I wanna show you something!" he said as he pulled you out of the apartment and into the hallways of Lando's place and you heard up beat music coming from down one of the halls, Ben followed the music and laughed as he dragged you along.

Unforgettable Love (A Kylo x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now