I'm Sorry.

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You landed on Pasaana and all of you exited the ship, Rey and your old gang said they would stay on the ship while you and the knights went to go see if there were any clues that lead to the wayfinder. You left the ship and you saw that there was a celebration going on. You have heard about the celebration before, 

"The festival of the ancestors." you said to the knights as they nodded and followed behind you as your cape flowed behind you.

You walked through the crowds of dancing people then someone grabbed your shoulder. A person with a mask turned you around and said,

"Follow me", he turned on his heel and walked away quickly as you called for the knights.

"Boys lets move!" you all followed the masked figure into this weird gonk droid shaped thing and he spoke a language to someone behind a door and took his mask off.

"Lando!" you exclaimed as you hugged him and he picked you up.

"Y/n its great to see you my dear how are you?" you haven't seen Lando since Ben's turn to the dark side.

"I'm doing alright, we are actually here to find a.." Lando continued and said,

"A Sith Wayfinder. Of course you are love." he said to you as he turned on his watch and an image of it popped up.

"How'd you know Lando?" you said as he smiled,

"Love, a long time ago Luke and I followed an assassin's ship here to Pasaana. We believed he had a clue that lead to the wayfinder, Ochi, the assassin. He never made it out here his ship is still out there." You smiled and thanked Lando for helping and then you heard it. You heard Kylo's ship and looked at Lando.

"Lando, thank you so much but were going to go now, and maybe you should go to Ajan Kloss, the Resistance is there and we may need some pilots soon. Plus Leia misses you." you said as you hugged him one last time.

"My piloting days are over my love, and make sure when you see the Princess again to give her all my love." he said as you shook your head.

"No Lando, she needs you no more than ever before, give her your love yourself okay?" you said as you smiled and exited the ship, you and the knights ran back to the ship you took and you told Poe to fly to Ochi's ship. 

You opened the ships door as you took off and you stuck your arm out towards's Kylo's ship. You didn't want to do this but you concentrated all your power on his ship and struck it down with lighting. You had tears in your eyes as you watched it go down and burst into flames. Cardo helped you up as Ap'lek closed the ships door.

"It was the best thing to do y/n" Cardo said as you felt a strong force signature.

"Wait something isn't right. Do you feel that?" you asked the two of them as they nodded their heads as the ship landed. 

"Rey and I will go out together. Knights of Ren, put your walls up and keep them strong if Kylo or Bazine come here contact me immediately got that?" you said as they nodded and kept their weapons in front of them. You and Rey walked over to Ochi's ship and she gasped,

"I've seen this ship before." she said as you gasped,

"So have I." you said as tears streamed down your eyes. This was the ship that you saw the day your mother "Passed away". You touched the locket she gave you and she appeared. 

"My sunflower what seems to be the.." she gasped as she saw what ship you were in.

"How did you find this ship?" she asked you and Rey,

"Mom what happened here?" you asked her.

"The assassin that owned this ship took me and Rey's mother away. Palpatine tried to get us to tell him where you two were but we never budged. Ochi killed both of us with, with that dagger." she pointed to a dagger that was shining in the one spot the sun hit.

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