51- Just On Time

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The headed back to STAR Labs, where Barry informed Caitlin, Cisco and Joe about their meeting with Snart, "Are you out of your mind? What do you mean you talked to Leonard Snart?" Joe says anger in his voice.

"We asked him for help" Barry tells him.
"Barry, why would you do something so stupid?" Joe then aks.
"Because, Joe we have already tried everyone else" Barry tells him.

"We tried the CCPD, Barry tried getting Oliver's help, and we even tried getting a hold of Ronnie, and Professor Stein, and got nothing"
"What about your Gotham friends?" Joe then asks Katrina.
"Wait..what..no I am not getting you know who involved, but I did send an SOS out to my other friends, and they haven't said anything. We are out of options, and the particle accelerator is suppose to come online in how long Cisco?" Katrina asks him.

"Sixteen hours" Cisco says.
"Sixteen hours, Joe. We're not willing to let the meta's die and we can't let them escape either. So like it or not, Snart, with his cold-gun..is the only one that can stop them if Cisco's transportation does not hold" Barry tells him.

"Then lucky for you, I figured out what it is you can get me" they then hear Snart say, and Joe takes his gun out, "Hello, detective, nice to see you again" Snart says as he walks into the cortex, "Caitlin, Cisco" he says looking at them, "I thought about your proposal. You want my help..this is what I want. My fingerprints, dental records, DNA, criminal records, family tree. Everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart, I want it destroyed, all of it. At CCPD, online, everywhere" he tells them.

"The brass on this dude" Joe says, "You really think we'd do that for you?" Joe asks him.
"I'll do it" Barry then says, "if it's the only way, fine" Barry tells him.
"You and me need to talk right now, Katrina come too" Joe says to them and they follow him to the training room, Barry closing the door behind them.

"What is wrong with you? You can't just erase Snart's criminal records" Joe says shouting at Barry.
"Yeah, I can, and I'll do whatever I have to do" Barry tells him.
"Barry, there's other ways for us to do this" Katrina then tells him.

"What is it then Kat? Tell me what it is and we will do it, but we're running out of time!" he shouts at her.
"What is going on with you, you working with that killer? This isn't who you are" Joe says to him.

"Who I am is the guy who's not fast enough to stop Wells" Barry says as he steps closer to Joe and Katrina, "He hasn't been one step ahead of us, Joe, He's been a thousand. I can't catch him, I can't beat him. What I can do is save those people down there. Wells turned them into what they are and I'm pretty sure he does not care if they live or die, I do" he says to Joe as he walks out of the room.

"You agree with this crazy arrangement?" Joe then asks Katrina.
"Snart is the only one who is coming to help us right now Joe. I might not agree with doing deals with villains, but a situation like this we just might have to" Katrina says walking away following Barry.

Barry and Katrina race to CCPD in their Flash and Bolt suits, and enter building, where Barry plugs a flash drive into one of the computers, erasing all the information the police had on Snart. "Bye, Bye Leonard Snart" Katrina says once it's done deleting. The two of  them then go around gathering all the file boxes that contained any other information on Snart. They meet up with Snart, placing the boxes down, "We've deleted everything the CCPD, ARGUS and the FBI had on you, and sent a virus to erase every digital record of you online. And this is every single piece of physical evidence the police had" Barry tells him.

"Good" Snart says to him, when out of nowhere it's blasted in gold.
They watch as Snart's sister comes walking over, "I hear we're all going to be working together" she says looking at Barry and Katrina.
"That's right sis, partners" Snart says also looking at Barry and Katrina, and they both do not look pleased about his sister being there.

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